Sunday, March 23, 2008

Wow. I can’t believe where my mind has been for the past few months…it’s like I’ve had a cloud over my eyes and some other version of Miguel was walking, talking and pretending to be me. Those days are over – thanks to a little thing called The Secret.

Before I knew what The Secret was, I was practicing it. My entire life I have always lived by the mantra, “What goes around, comes around.” And that’s how my life has played out. I have always tried to have a positive disposition on life and not let the little things get me down. Well once college was over and I entered into the real world, I was thrown for a loop. Real life is not like college. College is its own little universe - the rules are different there. It’s taken me almost a year to get into the groove of life outside of college. I think I have made it through the dark clouds though. I’ve been applying The Secret to my life…things have changed, drastically.

I remember sitting in my car a few days after the New Year and asking God why every time I turned around, something was going wrong. NOTHING was going my way. At one point I seriously considered quitting my job, packing up my stuff and moving back to Atlanta with no job. But I’m proud to say that I am back. The recklessly optimistic Miguel is back. The smile is back. The energy is back…and most importantly, the AMBITION is back.

It’s good to be back.

There’s a quote I’ve lived by for a long time that a dear friend told me in high school.
"Don't ever listen to those who tell you it can't be done. Pity them for their lack of vision;
be more successful than anyone thought you could be. Then, look back on those who
said it was impossible and remember: always be Recklessly Optimistic."