Friday, February 20, 2004

SO, someone informed me that my Blog was too depressing. Of course I did my fake laugh and defend my Blog. I told them that my blog was full of happy memories from my senior year of high school, and this first year of college. After the conversation I went back to my dorm room, and of course I started to dig through all of my past entries to see if I was indeed a depressing Blog writer. Sadly, they were right. But there is a reason why most of my entries are like that. For one, most of the time people see me as the happy go lucky person, yes I may look stressed half the time, but usually I have a happy disposition. But what you don’t know, or you may, is that a lot of times I want to go off on someone, or get into a debate and defend my beliefs, but I feel like I can’t articulate what I feel, or I think that I will get out worded. Especially when I go back to Atlanta, and hang out with my friends from high school. I mean, you all are SO freaking smart and intelligent, all of you. Sometimes I feel like a stupid little 5th grader who can’t tell you exactly what there feeling, or how they believe. I think I’ve gotten a bit off topic…but basically, I don’t say things in real life, so I save them for here and usually that happens when some one really pisses me off and instead of telling them that they upset me, I come to type out my thoughts.

With that said, I’m going to try and write a balanced Blog. Happy, sad, and everything in between. So here goes…

Yesterday I FINALLY finished working on the newspaper, and I we were able to send it off to Valdosta to be printed. So we should get the paper back by Tuesday morning. I think this is the best newspaper I’ve done so far. The layout is awesome. I wonder what people are going to say. Hopefully good things. Tuesday at the last journalism meeting, I told the staff writers that I want to run the paper a little differently then what we’ve done in the past. Instead of me giving them all of their topics, I’m going to let them all brainstorm different words that are affecting college students. I told them that I didn’t want the school newspaper to be the “Miguel South Georgia College Newspaper.” So hopefully the next issue will not only look good, but have fun, informative content. OH OH….last week I had a huge test in Dr. Butler’s history class. He is known for giving impossible tests. Well guess who was one of the four people in my class to get an A on the test, ME!!! OH my gosh, I was about to JUMP out of my seat when I found out that I made a 91 on this not so impossible test! That was the highlight of my day!

Well I need to finish washing my clothes….