Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ah, the end of the summer...well "school" summer. People are going back to school. Moving into new apartments, buying new textbooks, figuring out new schedules, making new friends. It all sounds so fresh and on the post college is a bit different. Things are the same as they were back in June. I am moving into a new apartment because my roommate got a new job and is moving on to an awesome new path in his life. My new path has been interesting so far.

The rules have changed. The players in the game always seem to one up you and know more than you. Moving up the ladder isn't as given as use to be. Instead of having two or three years to get out into the real world and working towards that goal of graduation now you work towards paying bills and staying afloat with all that life throws at you. It's a tough game out here and there are no life lines sometimes. No safety nets.

One of my many mental projects is to do better with friendships. Now that I'm "starting" over again, making friends and getting myself out there is harder than before. In school, join a club or the radio station and BAM, there are your friends and then you meet people doing other random things. Now what? lol But I don't want to lose the ones I have like I have done in the past. I'm very bad about keeping in touch with people.

Relationships. That part of my life has come to a screeching halt. All for the better. It's nice to watch everyone else fall in love and then fall out. I hate to seem them go through it, but I would rather it not be me. Harsh I know, but I've had my fair share of troubles and I want to hold off on those for a while.

It's funny to think four years ago around this time I looked at the world with such excitement and energy. I was going to college and nothing was going to stop me from doing whatever I wanted to do. Four years later, walking out of college with that paper I so desperately wanted, I have that same feeling of excitement and energy, but with extra filters I see the world for what it is...kind of. I still believe in the goodness of people and I hope that stays the same as time goes on.

Well, I have no clue what I just wrote about. But I wrote. I wanted to get out thoughts on the paper that have been swirling around the head.

Good day!