Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A few days ago, some friends of mine invited me over for dinner. I love hanging out with these people...I always feel super inspired afterwards. I've always been told that you should hang out with people that are smarter than you, people that have more money than you, makes you rise to their level and improve yourself. I've always tried to do that in every aspect of my life. I'm always on the constant journey to better myself. But as I was sitting at the table, enjoying a wonderful dinner, something hit me. I complain about not having money, not being able to go home and visit, not being able to take a trip some where, blah, blah...but you know something I've always had, without question? Support. Encouragement. Respect.

From the time I could remember, my mother has always told me that no matter what I wanted to do, what I wanted to be, she would support me 100% and be there for me. There are a lot of material things she has not been able to give me though the years, but I've always known, that when I call her and tell her of my latest matter how small, I'm going to hear nothing but encouragement from the other end of the line...

I've never been able to swallow mother and I use to fight like cats and dogs when I was sick and had to take medicine. Luckily, I've never had any serious medical attention and didn't HAVE to take serious medication. So I always got away with not swallowing pills. Well last year at GSU, I came down with a bad case of strep throat. I HAD to swallow these pills to get rid of the virus. Well, after much mental coaching, I swallowed my first pill! My throat thanked me later...but I called my mother in celebration. She was just as excited as I was! lol Who else would do that?

But I say ALLL that, to say that during my life, I've had people behind me, in my ear, whispering encouraging words...telling me to keep going, keep trucking...and sitting across from my friends at their house the other night, I just felt a wave of gratitude come over me. I am thankful, deeply thankful for all my friends and relatives that have been in my corner my entire life. These people would do anything for me...that's such a comforting thought. As I move forward in my career and life, I can always remember...

I have something money can never buy....respect.