Okkkaayyy…this is a whole lot to take in. I’m hurt that you would think that about me…I LOVE this country. K.T., from your e-mail I would assume that you are a frequent listener…you know that we poke fun at EVERYTHING. We are there to laugh and make fun of each other and everything else. But let me just clear the air a little bit...
1. You make a great point, I was never in chains. I understand this. But if you listen to the clip, I was poking fun at the fact that I don’t know the lyrics. Everyone in the studio started singing to the song – we all were having fun with the song...
2. I was in NO WAY making fun of you or your friends who have fought so bravely for this county. In no way would I EVER make fun of the military. I spent an entire week with the Marines out at Parris Island this winter! I have HUGE amounts of respect for people who go out of their way to sacrifice their life for this great country and the rights that we were ALL granted...
3. Now, I understand that you are upset for the misunderstanding of what you thought I meant, but don’t make threats. You know I’m all about love and peace! I just want everyone to sit around, share a vodka cranberry and joke about life!
4. If I ever talk about slavery on the show, it’s never about bad-mouthing this country. Slavery happened. Whether we want to talk about that or not. It happened. Having discussions on the show about slavery and me giving my VIEWPOINTS about the repercussions of slavery are not meant to slight you or our founders or anyone. It’s just a discussion...
5. Please don’t ask me to leave the country. That’s hurtful and shouldn’t even be part of the argument you are making...
Okay. I hope from the response you can see that what you heard on the radio was in no way making fun of this country...
On July 4th I’ll be in Panama City waving my American flag like the AMERICAN that I am. If it weren’t for this great country, I would NOT have the job I have. I am grateful for this wonderful country and the ability to wake up every morning and speak my mind on different topics...
If you do see me in public, let’s talk! I love having discussions!! And I hope you know I mean that with sincerity...
Have a wonderful 4th of July!
Miguel Fuller