Mundane Misgivings
Making the world a better place since 1985
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
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I've recently taken up the bad habit of blogging and today I was inspired by your show which I listen to at least 4 days of the week. I hope I don't hurt any feelings with my comments but I was feeling honest and laid out my feelings/opinions of my favorite radio morning show. I'm not looking for anything in return, no begging for tickets or swag, but I thought you might appreciate knowing how I feel. I'm probably not what you would call an average listener since I love hard rock and heavy metal and I drive a dump truck. Lucky for me you four put on a great local program that I enjoy enough to listen to T.I. just so I won't miss a word of the show.
April 13, 2011
“There’s nothing romantic about surgery,” says Miguel Fuller of my favorite morning show, That Guy Kramer in the Morning. This show is on our local teeny-bopper station Island 106. Though I don’t like most of the music the station plays I love the interplay of the four cast members. Steven Kramer – the ambiguously sexual host is uptight and anxiety-ridden. His personality keeps the show together and really keeps the fun flowing. He has earned the top spot on his show through his Herculean efforts of maintaining control of the chaos that we call entertainment. Holly O’Connor-Sciolino. I probably spelled that wrong but I’m not Italian so maybe I can get away with it. Holly’s got a wild streak that makes her quite delectable. She’s the counterpoint to Kramer and their frictional relationship creates no end of hilarity and sometimes that rare moment of behind-the-scenes type openness that really helps draw listeners into a radio talk show. Her ability to talk about pretty much every aspect of her life without embarrassment or exaggeration adds a wonderfully human, sincere touch to the show. Miguel F. Fuller – Openly gay (not like Kramer) and black (also, not like Kramer). He’s the comic relief most times since he’ll go off on tangents spouting nonsense of racial/homosexual discrimination that he hasn’t experienced in his job. It is, however, hilarious to hear him explode and he’s probably a lot of fun to hang out with. It’s nice to hear him talk frankly about his life as a double-minority and it makes me feel good to hear the acceptance he gets from his fellow cast members. Miguel may possibly be destined for super-stardom if he ever breaks free from the black hole we call Bay County. Mandy Williamson – Mandy is hot. I know it’s a radio show but they have their pictures all over the internet and they host the annual Christmas parade. Holly is attractive but Mandy makes men howl. Unfortunately she has a serious self-confidence problem that is slowly dwindling. It’s been quite nice to hear her come out of her shell. As the only parent on the show we (meaning other parents) get to hear a different perspective on common problems parents face. Since she worked her way from unpaid intern to full time producer the show has become even more wonderful. In review, I really love the That Guy Kramer in the Morning radio show on Island 106. I listen to the program even though I detest the music of Pit Bull, Rihanna, Chris Brown and most of the rest of the station’s music line up. I hope they stick around our airwaves for a few years so I don’t have to listen to the schmucks on the other morning shows, most of whom live hundreds of miles from here and have no idea of what our lives are about here in PC, FL. Without the combination of Kramer, Holly, Miguel and Mandy this show wouldn’t be the amazing program that we know and love. Perhaps these four hooligans can remain friends long enough to see me through to retirement so I don’t have to listen to wind noise in my dump truck at work just to stave off impending insanity.
Monday, February 28, 2011
I have been intending to email you for a while and am just now getting around to it. I was listening a while back when they were replaying older segments. They happened to play the "If you really knew me you'd know..." and you were talking about your struggles with weight. I listened to this and cried all the way to work, my heart really went out to you.
As the day went on I thought more and more about what you had said and how I really felt the same way. I am always the "funny one" or I hear "but your face is so pretty" and God knows living here I am not nearly as comfortable in swimsuits and shorts as I should be to participate or even enjoy things in the summer time with my friends. I realized how completely tired of feeling that way I really was and that I needed to take control and change things! I am a single parent and I need to be 100% healthy and happy and convey these things to my daughter so that she will grow up to be healthy and happy with herself as well.
I went January 3rd and joined Resolutions Weight Loss in town and renewed my rarely utilized membership at Golds Gym. I have since taken my diet and exercise very seriously and had very few "cheats" or lazy days where I was not in the gym or active. I have lost 22 pounds now and I have to you thank for that! I have a long way to go but I feel so much better already! Thank you so much for being so open, honest and all around FABULOUS!
Best Regards,
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Thursday, January 07, 2010
I recieved a call one hour ago from my Mother informing that my cousin, my baby cousin, the one I use to baby sit when he was a just a little child, has taken his own life. I don't understand. I can't comprehend. I can't wrap my brain around it.
This phrase will be uttered many times over the next few months..."I just saw him and he seemed fine..." I did just see him. Christmas Day. He told me he was going to come visit and stay with me on the beach. I don't understand. My family has never experienced a tragedy such as this.
I'm afraid. I'm paralyzed. I just have no words.
Lord, please keep his soul at peace and I pray that he...I pray that he what? What do you say in this situation? Keep his soul safe? Keep him protected? My mind is running wild and I need to do something. I just...
I love you Antonio Burke. You will always be my baby cousin who threw up on my arm just months after you were born. You will always be my cousin with the killer smile. You will be my little cousin with so much talent and charisma, the world was just waiting to see what you had.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I was just thinking about you latley. I have Dr. M. S. for theory of mass comm (hate the class but she is cool) and she and I talked a little about you and I was talking with some people that are talking about bringing back the morning show and that reminded me of you as well.
I just wanted to say man, that you just have some incredible talent and it makes me really proud for you that you have really accomplished so much with all of your creativeness and your degree. You were really under-appreciated when you worked here at GSU but the radio station has never been at the same quality you had it at after you left.
I'm not doing broadcasting anymore (mainly because you helped scare me out of it) and am doing public relations instead so you don't have to worry about me begging for a job from you in the future but I definitely reserve the right to name drop when you become a john tesh or a ryan seacrest (i know you just cringed when you read that).
Overall just keep it up man and if I'm ever in Panama City (which may be never but who knows) and your at the station, you should give me a tour.
Take care man.
Mike O.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
To make a change…
Stay where you are?
"He who has the goals, makes the rules." - Tyler Perry...something to focus on...
Wow. Today has definitely picked my brain. I have so many thoughts right now and I’m not sure where to start. I’m thinking of several different things right now:
>Helping society
>Passing on a legacy
Looking at the list, I can’t help but wonder how the hell did I go between all these topics? That’s just a normal day inside my head. I’m always swirling with ideas, solutions and new paths to walk down. Let me tackle the first one.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: I’m over my weight issues. It should be a NON issue. I have worked my butt off in so many parts of life. Finishing high school, getting my two-year degree, graduating with my BS from GSU. No one ASKED me to do those things, they weren’t even required by anyone, but I just felt as if I needed to do those things to become a productive member of society. In my ongoing struggle to become a more complete WHOLE person, I have to take the same fervor that I applied to all those years of schooling and apply them to my weight loss. I’m tired of complaining about it, I’m tired of feeling this way. I just simply have to shut up and do it. I feel like in the back of my mind I’ve been waiting for some easy answer to make me be skinny while enjoying the gross foods that I love. When it comes down to it, I just have to change. End of story. Learn to like foods that I don’t normally like. It has to change or I will die. Not being melodramatic or anything…
My career. This has caused me much confusion in the past two years. I made my goal and I reached it…well sort of….I work in radio full-time, I do a morning show, which has been my dream, now what? Do I continue to work up this ladder until something big happens or do I go for something bigger? Now here’s where the other two points come into play. A huge piece of my heart lightens up when I’m able to give to people who don’t have… I know that I want to give back and serve some how. So how do I do both – radio and serve? What do I focus on? And here we are…a cross roads…I’ve had a road map my entire life of where I was going. Has that ultimate goal changed? Is the route I’m going to take different?
Something that really stuck me tonight was Black In America on CNN. They focused on this program called MLT. They take young minorities and give them leadership skills to go on and get their MBA and work at Fortune 500 companies or open up their own place of business. It has my gears thinking…what do I want to do? How do I want to do it? So many questions. I think it’s time to pull out the road map and do some assessing.
This really went no where. I just needed to get some stuff out of my head. Will organize later.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Okkkaayyy…this is a whole lot to take in. I’m hurt that you would think that about me…I LOVE this country. K.T., from your e-mail I would assume that you are a frequent listener…you know that we poke fun at EVERYTHING. We are there to laugh and make fun of each other and everything else. But let me just clear the air a little bit...
1. You make a great point, I was never in chains. I understand this. But if you listen to the clip, I was poking fun at the fact that I don’t know the lyrics. Everyone in the studio started singing to the song – we all were having fun with the song...
2. I was in NO WAY making fun of you or your friends who have fought so bravely for this county. In no way would I EVER make fun of the military. I spent an entire week with the Marines out at Parris Island this winter! I have HUGE amounts of respect for people who go out of their way to sacrifice their life for this great country and the rights that we were ALL granted...
3. Now, I understand that you are upset for the misunderstanding of what you thought I meant, but don’t make threats. You know I’m all about love and peace! I just want everyone to sit around, share a vodka cranberry and joke about life!
4. If I ever talk about slavery on the show, it’s never about bad-mouthing this country. Slavery happened. Whether we want to talk about that or not. It happened. Having discussions on the show about slavery and me giving my VIEWPOINTS about the repercussions of slavery are not meant to slight you or our founders or anyone. It’s just a discussion...
5. Please don’t ask me to leave the country. That’s hurtful and shouldn’t even be part of the argument you are making...
Okay. I hope from the response you can see that what you heard on the radio was in no way making fun of this country...
On July 4th I’ll be in Panama City waving my American flag like the AMERICAN that I am. If it weren’t for this great country, I would NOT have the job I have. I am grateful for this wonderful country and the ability to wake up every morning and speak my mind on different topics...
If you do see me in public, let’s talk! I love having discussions!! And I hope you know I mean that with sincerity...
Have a wonderful 4th of July!
Miguel Fuller