I am so lucky to have found someone so awesome and…I don’t know, I’m just so happy right now. Here is an e-mail I just sent him:
Hello, what's up? It's 11:54PM on a Saturday night and I'm sitting here bored out of my ass. I should be going to sleep now because I have to get up and go to this Prayer Breakfast at my church tomorrow morning. I don't know if you'll get this e-mail in time, but are you still going downtown tomorrow? I was just curious as to what your plans are for tomorrow. I haven't talked to you all day and I really miss you. I like talking to you, even if it's just mindless banter, the fact that I'm just talking to you makes it all the better. I really don't know what I'm typing; I'm just typing to type. Ok, let's see, oh yeah, I put your letter in the mail on Friday, so it should arrive at your friend's house on Monday. Damn, I miss you. It sucks not being able to talk to you. If you get this sometime tonight, call me. It doesn't matter what time, I don't mind. Well except for if it's like 4 something in the morning, well what the hell, it's the weekend, go ahead and call. See what did I tell you, you get me with a computer and keyboard at night and I just write the most random stuff. HA! When you first open this e-mail your going to think this is some long nice e-mail, but no, it's just me typing nothing. I really like you; I think you have an awesome smile and a wonderful personality. Well I guess that's it for now. Sorry for taking up so much of your time. I will talk to you later.
~~Hehe, so I’m really bored right now though. I’m very close to starting that GSA at my school. I’m so excited. Everything else in life is pretty good, just busy with Student Council, radio, Show Choir, and everything else in the world! lol Well I’m tired, so Goodnight.