Hey hey!
I’m back. Did ya miss me? Probably not, but who cares. SOOOO since I’ve gotten back from Spring Break I haven’t had time to think, sit, crap, eat, sleep. It’s all been about school school and more school. Well I’m done with tests in all my classes – until finals of course, so I had a little time to breathe this weekend, but not too much. My book report is due in Butler’s class and I still have more edition of The South Georgian to put together.
So, where do I start…?
Here’s like a month’s recap on meh life…
Spring BreakFun times. Went back home to the Atl to work at Barnes & Noble and get some money. Went to see Milo’s play (what I thought would be a potential love interest), Into the Woods. It was a good play. Brandon went with me (thank you). I met Milo after the play and it was a bit awkward. We hadn’t met before and he was still the play mode and didn’t know I was going to be there. We talked for a bit, Brandon and I left and hung out for a while. I worked, hung out with Jenifer, got a new cell phone (that doesn’t work down here in South Georgia), worked some more. Did I mention that I had to pay the federal government $341 and the state of Georgia $71 for taxes? The school didn’t take out taxes last year when I worked so I had to pay it all back. Bitches. Let’s see, Milo and I were supposed to hang out Thursday night, I thought it was going to be just me and him, but it ended up being half of Atlanta, so I didn’t get to spend much time, or really talk to Milo. Basically, he’s not in the potential category. I went to church, saw all of those folks for the first time in a long time. I love how when I go to church everyone comments on how fat I’m looking. Praise the Lord. OH OH, I can’t believe I almost forgot like the most exciting part of Spring Break. I got to hang out with Michael at Morehouse College. I went and hung out at his dorm Monday night. He took most of my cds and burned them to his laptop (oh, and this is the Michael from wayyy back a long time ago, see entries from Spring of 2003 for back history if you care that much, which you probably don’t, I still love ya though – ok, who am I writing this to. This journal sounds like an episode of Lizzie McGuire. I heart Hillary Duff. Alright back to issue at hand.). I left his dorm around 2am—not fun when I had to wake up at 7am for work. Tuesday night I ended up hanging out at his dorm room, but I was smart and spent the night. Enough said. That was my spring break. Nothing to exciting, but its Miguel’s life.
Post Spring BreakLet me just hit on the highlights… Had tests in every class, almost killed myself. Stopped going to Weight Watchers (I like eating hamburgers damnit! And who ever I end up is just going to have to DEAL WITH IT! So HA!), had NO money because of the government, found out I was nominated for Best All Around. OH, speaking of Best All Around, I won! YAY…Samantha N. and I won for Male and Female Best All Around for 2004-2005. Two black people, who’d a thunk it?! I also won the Theatre Award, which I was VERY happy and excited about. Dr. Seward presented the award to me and had some really nice comments to say about me. I got to present the first annual Students’ Choice Award (Teacher of the year) to Dr. Butler. That was fun. That’s basically what’s been going on. Nothing major or earth shattering…
The Colleges
So I still have NO clue where I’m going to be next fall. UGA STILL has not sent out letters of acceptance or rejection to transfer students yet, so I have no idea. A couple of weeks ago, I went to Georgia Southern with Samantha N. and toured the campus. I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the campus. I won’t be too upset if I go to Georgia Southern next year. Adam C. showed me around the newspaper offices and the radio station. If I go to Southern, I’ll probably spend my days in the newspaper room and in the radio station—hopefully. I saw Elliot (a guy from high school) at Southern. I didn’t get a chance to see Kori or any of those guys. I didn’t have enough time. Meh for having to get back to school.
My personal lifeAs of right now, I’m feeling an assortment of emotions at the moment. Panicked, frightened, stupid, loneliness, happiness, depression, glee. I don’t know - I’m a big ball of stick emotions. I’ve been talking to Douglas for a while, but I’m learning to be cynical and not expect too much for the situation. I’m letting it “flow.” Whatever that means. I don’t let things flow, I’m a Type A control freak. We shall see. OH, this past weekend was exciting. Friday night I went to Relay for Life. Jake and I did a puppet show about a puppet with cancer. Sad, I know. Saturday I went to the movies and saw the Amityville Horror with Sam, Catie, Mark, Drew, Ashley, and some girl I didn’t know. I would never have thought that all of us would be in a setting together again, but we were, and it was funny. The movie was good. We all then went to Ruby Tuesday’s; minus Ashley and the girl I didn’t know. After we ordered, Pete showed up. We talked, ate, spat out witty remarks – a good night all in all. After dinner, a few of us went to Wal-Mart to help Mark pick out a present for his six year old sister. I don’t think I’ll want kids until I’m 30. Maybe then I’ll be able to get married ANYWHERE IN THE FREAKING US. I’m not going to get on THAT issue right now. (Can you tell I’m a little “off the chain” right now? Probably not, it’s all in my head). I spent Sunday at the radio station working and reading my book for Butler’s class. Yay. I talked to Caitlin today and she told me that she signed a lease at these wonderful apartments in Athens, and that if I get accepted I’m welcome to move in. SWEET. CROSS YOUR FINGERS FOR UGA!!!
The return of the list!
Things I have observed, or things I’m thinking of at the moment:
-I LOVE John Legend. A new purchase of mine.
-Grey’s Anatomy is the shiznit.
-I just said shiznit.
-Did I spell that right?
-I researched how much I’m expected to get paid after college, and my major is like at the bottom of the list for pay for new graduates. Wonderful. I’ll STILL be poor after all this work.
-Our dear President resigned after 23 years – very sad.
-One more issue of The South Georgian where I will be Editor – it’s been a fun ride.
-I’ve learned so much about my self and people while living in this small town, Douglas now owns ¼ of my heart.
-I’m not good at math.
-Drew is a nice person – too bad it took me this long to get to know him.
-My feet hurt.
-My mom didn’t come to Honor’s Day.
-My whole family is coming to graduation – I think.
-I hope I pass College Algebra.
Alright, my fingers hurt and I think this is an adequate enough post. I don’t feel like going over this, so there are probably lots of mistakes, but it’s 1 in the morning and I’m tired.
Countdown: 18 days left.
Good day!