Friday, May 13, 2005

“As you can see, I have found my happy ending at last, and I truly believe that happiness is possible – even when you’re 33 and have a bottom the size of two bowling balls.” -Bridget Jones

-Quote from Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. Wonderful movie, you should see it.

I have literally been sitting in my bed watching CNN and MSNBC while drifting in and out of sleep all week. It’s wonderful. It’s so nice not having to worry about a list of things to do.

Yesterday Danielle and I went and ate at Jersey Mike’s Subs. OMG – SO much better than Subway!! Then we hopped on over to a few gyms to see how much their memberships are. We are trying to lose weight, like now. I really liked this World’s Gym place. They some kickboxing classes and cycle classes I would really like to get into. Its $100 for the rest of the summer I think, so I want to go there. We shall see. We then went to Target where I was reminded of my ungodly huge head. They had a bunch of cute hats, but none would fit – DAMN MY HUGE BRAIN (or so I would like to think!) I bought Rob Thomas’s new cd and some cheese sticks. (The whole gym thing starts NEXT week, so I have some time to eat!)

Other than that, not much is going on. I start back at Barnes & Noble next week, so my summer will be filled with books, books, books!

Good day!