Friday, May 27, 2005

HE HAW. I haven’t posted in a while due to my lack of energy. Even though I haven’t been doing much, I just haven’t felt like doing anything. After I come from work, I usually pull off my clothes and jump in the bed and take a nap. Ah, how I wish I could have taken naps at SGC, or just gotten eight hours of sleep at night. That will be my goal at Georgia Southern. Get eight hours of sleep each night.

I haven’t done much in the past two weeks, but when I have done something, it was exciting. My lack of funds has also had something to do with my inactivity.

Sometime last week I was able to hang out for a while.

I made a long trek up to Gwinnett County to pick up Michael (my ex). We then drove all the way back to where I live, because my mother’s “friend” was going to fix my defunct cd player in my lovely red car. By the time we made it through the traffic and were in close proximity to my house, the guy was no where near ready to come and fix my radio. Michael and I ventured down to Fayetteville to eat at good ole’ Zaxby’s, and to visit Danielle. With Danielle in tow (is that the right word?), I got the call from my mother’s friend. The three of us arrived at my house; I showed them around while the guy fixed my radio. Danielle and Michael got to meet my Grandmother and see my very messy house. Fun times. He was done, we were done, and it was time to keep moving. We called up Brandon, and went to pick him up from his house. Brandon basically lives in the Gay metropolitan area of Atlanta. His roommate is a lesbian, so you’re sure to see loads of gays and lesbos at Brandon and Nikki’s place. Michael, Danielle and I were standing around as Brandon was getting ready. There was a group of people over in the dinning section of the apartment eating and drinking and having a merry time. All of a sudden, Paul M. (a guy from high school who came out of the closet in college) pops out of the kitchen. WHAT?! I haven’t seen this kid since graduation! And he is all gayed up. He doesn’t have on a feather boa or anything, he’s just, gay now. He so was NOT like that in high school, so that was a bit surprising. We chatted for a while and caught up on life. Once Brandon was ready, Michael, Danielle, and I hopped in my car and we made our way up to Lenox Mall.

Lenox Mall. That place deserves a post on its own. Whenever I leave the ostentatious mall, I always feel like a fat poor whore. Everyone there reeks of money and success, and physical fitness. It’s disgusting, but fun to watch. Any who, we were there to drop Michael off with his current boyfriend who works at Pottery Barn (lot’s of drama there, I’m not even going to touch it). But Michael’s boyfriend had a while before he got off, so we all walked around looking at the outrageous prices on clothes. I, in my pure vulnerable state, made a bee line for the cookie place. I satisfied my feeling of fatness by eating three chocolate chip cookies (I wish I had some right now). I think we dropped Michael off soon after my cookie raid, and went on our happy way. Danielle, Brandon, and I then went to the gay bookstore downtown. I LOVED seeing Danielle’s face at the books, magazines, and greeting cards in the store. Most of them had naked men on them – I need to buy some for upcoming birthdays and such. Hmmmm….Anyway, we spent time in there, and after Danielle was sufficiently weirded out by being around so many gay men, we made our way to Centennial Olympic Park. It was night by then, so the place was absolutely beautiful. The Olympic rings water fountain was stunning. Ah, if I were like ten, I would have jumped in and splashed around. Such things cannot be done by any self-respecting 19 year old. (HA! Give me a towel and I would have been all up in that!) The CNN center is right next to the park, so being the future CNN anchor that I am; I had to make my way over to look in the windows and see the professional journalists at work. Of course it was closed by then, but I got to look in the lobby! One day next week I’m going to go on a CNN tour.

The night ended with Danielle, Brandon, and friends swinging a couple drinks back at Brandon’s place. Being the saint that I am (HA! hardly), I respectfully declined any drink, and opted for water. I took Danielle home and the night was over. Fun times were had (and lot’s of gas was used).

Well, this is supposed to be the really juicy part that I write about, but I’ve decided that I am going to keep it to myself. Because I’m a self-respecting journalist (once again, HA! hardly), I can’t write about my indiscretions here. It would be in writing and exposed for the entire world to see, and that would be bad. All I’m going to say is that I met and got to know a really cute Hispanic guy Emilio this past Sunday. Ask me in person and I might tell you. =)

Because I’m super poor, I’m looking for another job, so I applied at Target with Danielle sometime last week. I didn’t really think I would get anything, but to my surprise, I got a call from Target wanting me to come in for an interview. Well, that went well, because they asked me to come back for a second interview. Hopefully that will go well. If I get the Target job, I’ll be doing overnight stocking. Not the most glamorous job, but I’ll get a discount at Target! Hehe.
Not much else to report on, life has been slow so far in Hotlanta. Hopefully things will speed up soon.

Until next time my little ones…

Good day!