Sunday, February 12, 2006

A good weekend, yes. A nice relaxing weekend. Not much happened, but then at the same time a lot did happen.

Friday Kyle came to Statesboro to look for a place to live. Kyle and Laura came up to the studio while the show was still going on. We go until 10pm on Thursday’s and Friday’s because of Club Buzz. But it was cool seeing Kyle again and getting to hang out with Laura. Since the Challenge is still going on, I told them to eat before they came up to the studio since I can’t eat at a restaurant. I can go and sit down at a restaurant, but I just can’t eat the food. After that, we went back to my place and just sat around and talked. They left and I went to sleep. I talked to Corey on the phone before I went to bed.

Corey. A new guy. A nice guy. A guy I can trust. I met him recently and we have been talking a lot and getting to know each other. Because I have been through this many times before, I am being VERY cautious and upfront with him. Usually if I do that, they run. He seems to be very receptive to what I have to say.

Saturday morning I REALLY had to do laundry. Like, I had no more clothes, it was gross. Instead of going to someone’s house, I went to the laundry mat so I could get it over with quickly. On my way to the laundry mat, Corey calls and tells me that we can’t hang out later that evening after originally planned. We were going to hang out after he got off of work, but since he is in management at a restaurant and what not, someone called in so he would have to stay until close. So he asked if we could hang out before he went into work. Um…I was on my way to wash just about every article of clothing I owned, my house looked a mess, and my hair…I’m not EVEN going to go there. Stupidly, I agreed. I told him to give me two hours. So I washed my clothes as quickly as possible. Drove him at break neck speed. Spent 15 minutes vacuuming, putting a few clothes away, cleaning my room, the bathroom and the kitchen. I hopped in the shower, tried to tame my monstrous hair and make myself smell decent. As soon as I got out of the shower and dried my hair, he called saying he was in Statesboro and asking how to get to my apartment. Um…not ENOUGH TIME!! But as I gave him directions, I pulled off the impossible and made my hair and myself look presentable in a record four minute period. I was impressed. He came over and we just hung out and watched TV and what not. We had to leave, but wanted to eat before he left. I can’t eat out. He found that funny, but sad. I had to explain to him the whole challenge situation with the show. But I went with him to get something to eat…okay, I normally don’t post information like I’m about to, but I just want to point out the, um, sweetness of the act and how I have wanted someone to do this for ages. While we were in his car, I was chatting away about something mundane; he puts his hands out as if he wants me to grab it. Questions marks popped up in my mind at first, but instinctively, I placed my hand in hands while I continued to gab about something else. An act so small, but yet so big sent my mind reeling with all sorts of thoughts. I haven’t had a guy do that in, gosh, I can’t remember the last time a guy did that. It was so sweet. But we rode back after he got his food and just chatted about life and what not. He dropped me off in front of my apartment and drove off (not into the sunset though, it was raining). Laura and Kyle were waiting for me, with their own food to eat. They came inside and we just sat around eating (I had a turkey sandwich while they plowed through chicken) and talking. Kyle talked about the dream apartment he had found and how excited he was about it. Later on, after some shopping around the ‘Boro, we all came back and crashed for a little while. Kyle and Laura left later that afternoon. I was left with an empty apartment, but with a head full of thoughts to digest.

Today has been filled with a lot of laziness. Sitting around reading the Sunday AJC, watching the news shows and talking to Corey. Now I’m in the library. I just wrapped up studying for my Public Relations intro class.

Well that’s all for now. I’m sure this week will bring lots of exciting events.