Thursday, March 04, 2004

Am I the only person who doesn’t drink or smoke? I know I’m considered a boring person, but gosh, I thought there were other people out there who didn’t drink or smoke. I went to Cory’s room to return his cd player back to him. (I borrowed his cd player so I could work out, that’s one of the only good things about my school: our new fitness center and swimming pool.) His roommate was there as usual, looking like he would just love to put his foot between my eyes. I ask where Cory is and he gives me some smartass comment, when he could have just said, “He’s in Steven’s room.” After I try to decipher what he has just told me, I just go over to Steven’s room. As I’m walking towards Steven’s door, I hear him and Cory talking, so of course I stand by the door and listen to what there talking about (does that make me a bad person?). I hear a third voice and I am immediately intrigued. I can’t really understand what there saying, so in frustration I give in and knock on the door. To my surprise, the guy that I happen to think is very hot and I see him ALL THE TIME, answers the door. This takes me by surprise, and like an idiot, I say, “Um, yeah, is, um, Steven there?” He does that sexy little ha ha thing, and says, “Yes.” I walk into the room and it smells like a freaking ash tray. Like the super smart person I am-HA!-I look around the room. Cory is on Steven’s couch, his eyes are red, Steven’s speech is a bit slurred, and the cute kid is about to bring out the guitar. I’m not happy all of a sudden—it looks as if Mary Jane has paid a visit to Steven’s room. Bitch. I say something about Cory’s cd player, and I abruptly leave. I hope that I was wrong and they weren’t smoking. If they were, I will be really disappointed. But it’s not like they would care one way or the other if I were disappointed. But I’m also sad that I have found another fault with Mr. Cutie. The other day I saw him drive by the dorms with a cigarette in his mouth. He lost like 20 points in my book. That is so gross. But yeah, I’m not going to worry about those fools tonight, I need to get some shut eye, like now. Goodnight.