Friday, April 09, 2004

Another busy busy week… when will it ever stop?! But I like it this way. So the deadline for the paper was this past Tuesday—it wasn’t a good day for me. A lot of people didn’t turn in a lot of articles, so I have to find stuff from my @$$ to put in the paper - which may not be a bad thing, if you know what I mean...wink, yeah. Next year I’m going to start off the year by telling everyone that if they don’t produce when they are supposed to, then they shouldn’t even bother coming back to the newsroom! AH!

Anyway, I’m excited for the upcoming week. We have Honor’s Day at my school. I was nominated for Best All Around – it’s a really cool award at my school where faculty nominate students, then a committee picks two guys and two girls, then the rest of the school votes on the internet for the winners. I’m not expecting to win, seeing as how I’m a Freshman and the other two guys are Sophomores, not to mention that there both super smart. But I think it’s still cool to be nominated. (The PC answer)

Let’s see, my plans for this weekend:

Friday night - I’ll be at work probably until 8, and then I’ll go and work on the newspaper probably till about 1 or 2 AM.

Saturday -Wake up around…hmmm…I’ll say 10 or 11AM, I’ll go get breakfast then head back to the news room to my baby. Frier-newspaper advisor-is supposed to come around 2PM so we can go to Wal-Mart and pick up a few items for the news room.

Sunday -Work, then go to Ruby Tuesday to eat something nice, since it will be Easter. What do people usually do on Easter? I can’t remember the last time my family did something for Easter, I guess that’s why I don’t make a big deal about it now that I’m in college.

Sorry for making you endure this post, I’m not that sleepy right now, I’m trying to get there.
