Thursday, June 10, 2004

It’s the little events in life that make living worthwhile.

I can’t get any type of signal for my cell phone in my dorm room. When someone calls I have to run outside to talk. Jenifer called me tonight and left a voice message, I wanted to call her back so I went outside to make the call. Upon arriving outside, I saw Stacie, Meg, and her boyfriend sitting on some cars in the parking lot having a talk. I walked over just to say hi, but I ended up staying and just talking for about 45 minutes. I can’t remember the last time I did that with people I don’t talk with on a regular basis. We just sat and talked about politics, life, and the stupidity of certain attitudes held by people in South Georgia. They then invited me to take a quick ride to Wendy’s to pick up a late night snack. Riding in the back of the car while John Mayer was playing in the background was nice. I think these are the type of moments in life that I seem to be missing out on. I think I spend so much time thinking about the future and how I want to be successful in life, I forgot about my happiness and emotional well being. It’s nice to be able to put down the wall I have up and just be me. For some reason I have a hard time doing that, in the back of my mind I think if people really saw my true personality they would run for the hills—but that’s not true, I have to get over that.

SO, what have I learned tonight?

-Don’t be such a tight ass (umm, yeah), have FUN!
-You only live once, live it up
-It’s the little events in life that make living worthwhile
-John Mayer is f*&^% AWESOME, and can be enjoyed in just about any occasion
-I can’t wait to get to UGA to make a book full of these memories
-I hope that I can make a difference here in South Georgia
-It’s REALL humid here in South Georgia
-I wish I had gotten something to eat at Wendy’s