Thursday, July 01, 2004

So here’s the deal. I hate being one of those whiny people who sit around and complain about how bad their life is…For the past couple of weeks I have been like that, and I am sorry for anyone who has had to witness this deplorable behavior. I’m going to save all the whinyness, woo is me crap for my Blog, where it belongs!

So I’m in my room looking over the study guide for Part 2 of the Spanish Mid-term, which is tomorrow. I understand most of the stuff, but then I get to the verb part. Holy crap, I don’t know how to do ANY of that stuff. Conjugate what? I have Spanish class Lunes through Jueves, but my schedule was screwed up, so I have Biology lab at the same time as Spanish on Thursday. The day they went over conjugates, I was sitting in the Bio lab—great! I called Jesse and she said that she would help me in the morning with it. I have to take the midterm at like 11 in the morning, fun.

Hmmm…there’s more I want to write about, but I’m not sure how to put it…I guess I’ll run it over in my mind and then post sometime later on in the afternoon or evening.