Friday, August 27, 2004

First week of sophomore year can probably be summed up in one word: HELL!

This week has been horrible. I’ve almost had one nervous breakdown this week. Let me help you all out: DON’T TAKE 18 HOURS AND BE INVLOVED IN OTHER CLUBS!! IT’S JUST NOT POSSIBLE!!

Ok, I’m done – that felt good. This week has been filled with lots of worrying, but the funny thing is I have no earthly idea what exactly I was worrying about. I think having 18 hours, being involved in clubs, having to work, having some thing of a social life just got to me subconsciously – but it slipped out and permeated into my conscious mind. DAMN that brain of mine! I think after talking with some people I’m better. I just have to realize that every decision I make right now is not going to determine the rest of my life. Even though it really does, I don’t have to focus on it ALL the time. Which I tend to do.

So there are these words that have been circling around my mind for a while, and I don’t know what to do with them. I guess it would help if I wrote down the words: Love, relationships, passion …words like that. Right now it feels like I have several avenues to get to have those words come to life, but I don’t know which way to take it. There’s Victor in Lavtia (I hope I spelled that correctly) who I have been talking to over the net for most of the summer. I know I told certain friends that I wasn’t going to do this anymore, but when you live in Douglas, GA and have nothing else to do, you have to find something to pass the time. We have been talking for a while and I feel like we have gotten close, but there’s only one thing that’s kind of making me be hesitant: I’ve never met him in real life before. I wish he lived here in the states, that would be so cool. He’s an awesome person; I think he can speak like three languages. He just graduated from college over there – he’s into graphic and web design. He seems like such the great package, but there’s that one thing, I’ve never met him before. I’m hoping that he will get to come over to America some time soon so I can meet him. I hope I don’t sound like a total loser! lol

Ok, well it’s 12:30 and I have a 9 am class tomorrow, or I guess I should say later this morning. History at 9:00 am, yay.

Poptarts are cool, and so is yo mama. =)