Sunday, August 22, 2004

I’ve been at school for almost a week now, and of course the drama started as soon as I got here, but thank God I wasn’t in the middle of it. I was more of an innocent by stander, like usual.

Let’s just go through a run down of the week thus far:

Tuesday: Woke up was early and got on the rode at like 8 am to haul ass to Douglas. The trip usually takes four hours; it took me three, thank you very much. I got here in Douglas, had lunch with Frier, Musgrove, and Frier’s brother. I met up with Jeff (Resident Manager) to get my STUFF out of storage. It took me an hour and a half to unload my car and get all my crap from storage. Catie came over and helped me unpack. Being the proud ambivalent person that I am, I couldn’t decide on how I wanted to arrange my room, so we just hung my clothes up and unpacked some more crap. After that, we went to her house and hung out for a while. A little later in the evening Catie and I ventured over to Drew’s house where Mark and Pepijn were. Drama happened – I watched in awe and surprise as it all unfolded before my little brown eyes. I don’t want to go into details (it’s not my place to tells people’s business), but it got pretty messy.

Wednesday: Because of the drama of the above group of people. I was asked to go with Catie to take Pepijn to the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL where Pepijn will be attending school for the first time. It was such a beautiful campus. The bookstore, the union, the dorms (or as I would like to say, fucking beautiful dorms), the pool at the dorms, the hot guys playing basketball on the basketball court at the dorms…I digress… so anyhow, we took him around campus making sure he had all of his ducks lined up before school classes started. Pepijn’s roommate, who is VERY hott by the way, came along for the ride. His name is Wax, and he’s a hot British Asian guy, mmmmm…..After wards, Catie and I headed back to Douglas. I was very depressed going back to SGC. Being on such a beautiful and lively campus like the University of Florida really made me question why I’m at SGC.

Thursday: Woke up way to early to start checking in the freshman into the dorms. There are only two times that I hate being an RA, when we have to 1) Check people in during the Fall and Spring semesters, and 2) When we have to check people out at the end of each semester. But most of the new freshmen are cool, none of them look like murders or a rapist, which is a good thing, I think. Later that night I went and spent some time with Kayla and Ashley. We watched the Olympics…those Hamm twins are FUNNY sounding. You would think they would have deep bass sounding voices, but when they open their mouths, they sound like aliens or something.

Friday: More checking in of the freshman, FINALLY getting paid for my week of working at Barnes and Noble during the little summer break that I did have. OH, and I actually broke a promise to myself. I went to a high school football game. Yes, I, Miguel, went to a high school football game. The Coffee High Trojans VS the Ware County High Gators. I can’t believe I actually went; I made it a point never to go to a game during high school. When I was on Homecoming Court senior year, I left after the ceremony on the football field, I had NO desire to stay and watch a football game between guys that I had no respect for. But things are different now, I don’t know these kids and it was fun to go and hang out with some cool people. I met Brandon at the game, he was cool.

Saturday: Finally did some cleaning around my poor little room, washed the clothes so I wouldn’t smell bad the first week of school. Kayla, Ashley, Nicky, Catie, and Sam treated me to Golden Corral for my birthday. That was fun, all of us sitting there stuffing our faces (expect for Sam, she didn’t want to eat) and laughing over nothing in particular. Those are the moments in life that make it worth living.

Sunday (My 19th birthday): Well it’s 3 in the morning on my birthday and I’m sitting on my computer writing in my blog, fun. Let’s see, tonight I went to Movie Gallery and rented, “The Prince and Me.” I know, I know…I like the chick flicks, what can I say? But I enjoyed the movie. It made me incredibly sad afterwards though – it made me face the truth about love. NO ONE is EVER going to come along and “save” you from your life. NO ONE is EVER going to be that “perfect” one. They might be close, but it they will never be perfect. I hate that, I wish there was that one perfect person for me out there. I could sit here and type out off of the qualities I would want this gentlemen to have, but I’m way too tired and it would just make me sad all over again.

But yes, it’s August 22nd, 2004 – I was born 19 years ago. Thank you mother!

Well hopefully I will have time this week to update on the happenings of the first week of class. Until next time my loves….