Thursday, August 05, 2004


1) Finals are over – they sucked!
2) I might fail Biology – who gives a crap! (Actually, I do, but I am trying to pretend as if I don’t!)
3) I just finished the newspaper layout for the August edition and its kick ass! I cannot wait for everyone to see the new layout/design of the paper.
4) I am going to home tomorrow – I am excited, yet scared of going home. When I go home I spend wayyy to much money on gas, food, etc…but I cannot afford that right now. I have to be strict with my money.
5) I have totally fallen off my Weight Watchers program…I have GOT to get back in line.
6) I do not like Biology.
7) I like Spanish, but Spanish verbs are a bitch.
8) Big Brother comes on in ten minutes and I am excited – loser!
9) I am excited to see everyone from home.
10) I hope this fall brings many new and exciting situations and people.
11) I’m happy I met Catie and Mark this summer, they seem like cool people.
12) My birthday is the 22nd of this month and I really hope it doesn’t suck this year!

So that pretty much sums up everything I have been thinking about today, the day before I leave for home. I probably will not be able to update while I am in Atlanta…seeing as how my family doesn’t like to pay for an internet connection (HELLO, we are in 2004, are we not?!?!).

Until next time…