Friday, January 28, 2005

HA! So it’s 2 something in the morning, and I’m freaking out. About what? I’m not sure. I just am. I’m in a constant state of freaking out. So much fun, let me tell you.

A wonderful week this has turned out to be – not! I’ve had this feeling of just, sigh. Like, in my mind, the word sigh would just scroll across my brain. I think I’m ready to leave here. I feel like I’ve done my growing, I’ve done all I can do. Now it’s time to move on to a bigger pond. I feel like I did the last semester of senior year. I was excited, scared, hopeful – I’m going thorough all those emotions again.

I filled out my applications to UGA and Georgia Southern two weeks ago. I’ve already heard back from Georgia Southern, and I got in there. I probably won’t hear back from UGA until freaking April. But, waiting it the name of the game, so that’s what I have to do.

A word on being alone – it sucks. Like, really, it does. I’m not kidding. That’s all I’m saying on that, don’t want to dwell.

This week is about to get crazy. The deadline for the newspaper is today, so that means I have a week to put the newspaper together. And I think the week after next I have like two or three tests – they ALWAYS put tests on the same week! I think they want to see how far we can be pushed before someone gets hurt! THANK GOD Christie is in my College Algebra class. She helped me get through the other Math class we had last year. She’s so patient with me, and it takes that when dealing with math and me.

Cheers for losing weight. I’m well on my way to my original size – the one I was before I came down here. I’ve got a long way to go, but I’ve been making progress. I work out three times a week in the morning. I like working out in the morning, very relaxing and nice way to start the morning.

Ok, I need sleep. I’m off.

Good day!