Friday, March 04, 2005

Another week is coming to a close. This semester sure is going by quickly. This week was stressful, but not as stressful as last week—thank God. So how about I’m listening to “Wicked” right now. GOSH I love this musical. It’s like a freaking religious experience. I’ve had this CD for about a year now, and I still love it.

Hmm…what happened this week? Oh, I went to Weight Watchers Monday and found out I gained all my weight back that I had lost, plus some more. So now I’ve gone back on Weight Watchers with a mission. I have a goal, and I’m going reach it.

The one-act plays were this week. We still have one more performance tonight. I am so proud of Jake, Lee, Sam, and Alicia. They have done such a good job on the play. I had fun directing them. Yesterday, one of the lead actress in one of the plays got sick and couldn’t even get out of the bed, so instead of canceling that show, Dr. Seward actually got on stage and did the girls part. This wasn’t a small part people, and of course, in usual Dr. Seward fashion, she tore it up! She did a really good job. I was so happy and relived for her. I hope tonight’s performance’s go as well as the past two days.

This week the Student Affairs Committee met. We discussed nominees for Who’s Who and for Best All Around. Guess who was nominated for Best All Around? That would be me kids! I was so excited. Edgar, Lee, Sam, and Alana were also nominated. I’m happy it’s all people that I know that are nominated, but then it sucks because you don’t want to seem like you want to win when your friends are going up against you. We shall see.

The March edition of the newspaper should have been on the newsstands right now, but you know where it is? Still on the journalism computer. This edition has been really difficult to put together for some reason. But I am going to press Monday with the paper.

My mother called me this week and told me that I owe the Federal government $376.85, and I owe the state of Georgia $74—all due by April 15th. Fun. Apparently the radio station and the school haven’t been taking out enough taxes from my pay checks or something like that. Ugh.

This is probably the most boring post I have ever made, but I felt like writing, but I’m kind of in a blah mood, so this post is very blah.

Well I’m going to go and try to get to bed early tonight.

Good day!