Friday, February 25, 2005

Yeah, so how about the week from hell is finally coming to a close. It seems like every semester my life gets more and more hectic. So, let’s run down the week and see what happened…

Monday: My independent Spanish 3 stuff was due. So I finally turned in a bunch of stuff. I still have a lot of other work I need to do for that.

Tuesday: Butler’s test in African-American History. Love his class, love what I’ve learned this semester, but the test was a bitch. There is SO much information to learn. I think I did ok on the test. There are a couple of mistakes I made, but I think all in all I did better than I thought I was going to do. Well I guess I’ll find out Tuesday how I really did when we get our tests back.

Wednesday: Jake and I stayed up until 5 in the morning studying for the College Algebra test we had Wednesday morning. So yeah, I left like two problems blank—dumb ass. Miguel + Math = NO! That just doesn’t work. I really don’t have many words to say about this, I was just disgusted with the whole thing. I was so mad at myself. BUT, later on Wednesday night I had Statistics, we got our grades back from the first test. How about I made an 85!! I didn’t that that was possible for me! heh

Thursday: My debate in Social Problems was tonight. I was on the side that believed that street crime is more harmful than white collar crime. How about I was some nervous before we went up to debate. I think we did okay, both sides did. We had a good healthy debate. But thank God it’s all over.

Next week I have a test in Theatre Appreciation. The play that I’m directing performs next week. Fun times indeed.

Some things that have been on my mind tonight and this week:
-Life is frustrating.
-People are frustrating.
-I will be receiving my Associates of Arts in Journalism in two months! How exciting.
-Sometimes I get this feeling of loneliness that just creeps up from no where. It kind of sucks. Actually I’m feeling it right now, I don’t like it. It’s not productive in any way.
-10% of the world is gay. 10% of the guys at SGC are gay, aren’t they?
-Sometimes I feel like one of those people who just complains about being alone, but never does anything about it. But sometimes I get this scary feeling that I’m just so weird and out there in the end, it will just be me and my laptop. See, this is what being up at 2 in the morning does to you.
-Math hurts
-I wish I could find out the final verdict from UGA so I can make living arrangements.
-Ryan Cabrera is kind of hot, but he is with Ashlee Simpson, that makes me mad.
-Christopher Rice’s book comes out March 16th and I can’t freaking wait. It’s going to be so much fun.
-Happiness fades.
-I love my mother.
-SGC has been fun, but I’m ready to leave.
-I wonder what people really think of me. heh

Alright, well I’m tired and my brain is slowly leaking out of my nose, so I’m heading to bed.

Good day!