Friday, October 28, 2005

Alright, two major ‘things’ went down today in Kansas City. One good, one bad. Thankfully, since the good ‘thing’ has happened, I have been able to keep my cool, for now. I guess I shall start with the bad news first.

I lost my iPod.

Yes, I LOST my iPod. My baby. It’s gone. Someone has it. It’s lost and cold. I know it misses me. I am very sad. All of my songs…gone.


BUT, all is not lost. All of my songs are on my laptop with iTunes, so I just need a new iPod to play all of my songs. Ya know?

SO, for the good news…

I saw “Rent” tonight. Yes ladies and gentleman, I saw the wonderful Broadway musical turned movie a whole month before it is set for release to the public. The movie company came to Kansas City and decided that college journalists should be the first audience to see “Rent.” It was FANTASTIC! The director Christopher Columbus wonderfully captured the essence of the musical. The songs were AWESOME. The transitions at time needed a little work, but overall, A+ from me.

**Side note: I’m sitting in the lobby of the hotel, I just saw Bert go up the escalator with two random girls…is he getting play tonight?! That little dog!**

Ok, now I’m just looking at all the people in the lobby, it’s so fun. I love conventions like this. It’s so fun to watch all the people.

I’m out.

Good day!