Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I think I’ll try this format for a while. Make little entries during the day instead of the heaping long posts I do once a week. Those can be a bit much.

You know what? I love John Mayer. I don’t care what time it is, what I’m doing, but if I put in some John Mayer, life just seems okay. I’m listening to him right now as I type this. I’m sitting in the IT building’s computer lab. My Social Issues of Sport class got out early today. So now I’m checking e-mail and what not. The internet connection isn’t working at the house for some reason, so I wasn’t able to check e-mail last night. When I opened up my inbox this morning, I found 32 new messages waiting for me. Of course 50% of them were SPAM e-mails, but still. I think we all like seeing new messages from people.

Okay, so you know my post about food yesterday? WELL, I weighed myself yesterday….um. Yeah. HELP?! I’m going on a fast for a couple of days, and then it’s diet time. But not really diet, more like a lifestyle change. Things have got to change. I’m ballooning up and it’s not pretty. Sheesh.

Alright, my fingers are tired and it’s time to head off to class.

I found this on someone else’s blog and liked it. So I’m stealing it. Thankssomuch.

Good day!

I crave a relationship. I crave someone to send me flowers, because it’s Tuesday. I crave someone to call me right when I wake up just to see if I had a good night's rest. I crave someone to hold my hand when we walk around. I crave someone to hold me when I'm down. I crave someone to believe how special I am. I crave for someone to care for me in a more than friendly way. I want to be able to turn people down with the phrase, "sorry I already have someone who gives a damn." I crave someone to confide in me about their dreams and goals. I crave for someone to want to see me. I crave someone to kiss me oh so passionately on my lips. I crave to be able to hug someone when they're sad. I crave to be able to tell someone that I am so happy that they are mine. I just crave it. I even crave the drama and time and effort involved. I want it. I want it so bad. I almost think I need it right now.