Tuesday, January 22, 2008

When people ask me, "You're a good guy, why are you single?" I can't answer the question. If I knew I would be able to work on it and get someone worth while. I know I should leave the whole thing alone, but I can't help it. I don't meet many guys while I'm out.

So I'm looking through one of the sites, seeing whose one and I run across a guys profile who is cute. I start reading through his profile and get to this part at the end:

"If your a black guy or over the age of 30 do not message me. I'm not a racist cause my bestfriend is black but never have i nore will i ever do anything with a blk guy or someone over 30. If you message me i will delete it."

REALLY? Are you serious? So you are saying to me that out of all the black men in the world, you would never date ONE because of his skin color - oooh wait. You have a black best friend so it makes alright...please correct me if I'm wrong, but that logic does not make any sense to me. But sadly, that's the logic of a lot of guys here.

After taking African-American history classes in college, I can only look at comments like that and shake my head. The seeds of history are still there underneath.

In other news, I'm working at one of the local TV stations as a Production Assistant. It's been fun so far. I'm reminded of how much of a non-tech person I am. But I'm trying my best to do an amazing job.

Eh. Who to vote for? Usually I'm pretty into the political scene and ready to go to bat for who ever I believe in. But like a lot of people, I have NO clue who I'm going to vote for. For a time I was considering both Republicans and Democrats, but after a little surface research I've scratched out most of the Republican candidates. There are some issues I'm just not willing to bend on...the gay issue of course being one of them. But I want to dig a little deeper and see what they are talking about. There are so many issues to consider. Now that I'm in the working world I see how important things like the Fair Tax, Heath Insurance and Social Security are. Ugh. So much stuff to wrap your head around.

Okay, enough of this. Time for bed.