Thursday, July 28, 2005

Today (or if you want to be technical, yesterday) was a very good day. Not just because I was surrounded by books!

The day started off as usual. Getting up, slumping over to B&N, and selling books. It wasn’t too bad, just a slow day. What made it bearable were the text messages I was getting from Joseph. I sent him one during lunch and we ended up sending text messages back and forth for the rest of the time I was at work. (Oh, and I should add, I had lunch with Mrs. Pete Brown! It was so cool to see her up here in Atlanta. Her son was taking the bar exam – poor him.) I asked Joseph if he wanted to do something later that night. His schedule was clear, so we decided to meet a little later and hangout. I got in my little red car and went home to wash off the smell of books (is there such a smell?). I then hopped – well not really hop since it is Atlanta traffic – up to Roswell. We met at my old middle school, Crabapple, and decided on Starbucks. We arrived to the wonderful place of all things coffee around 8:00pm and didn’t leave until 10:30pm or so. We had a nice conversation. Learning about each other and what we have been through. He’s a very interesting person. During our conversation I saw and talked to Angela C. and Wendy C.. It was good to see those two crazy girls again. Such fun times we had in yearbook senior year. Any who, so Joseph and I talked, and talked. I loved it. He had to go, and I needed to start my trek back down towards my house, so we departed ways but not before we hugged.

Now I’m sitting on my bed thinking about how I should have written about the New York trip while I was there because I don’t feel like writing everything out and I don’t remember everything. Oh! oh! I can do a list! Don’t you just love them? I don’t care, I do.

Things I remember from my New York trip:
-Frier, Freddy and I went to the Museum of Sex. Fun times. (They had porn)
-We all dropped Pepijn off at the airport so he could go home. (Poor Propane)
-The hotel room had a freaky sound too it.
-Ground Zero was very peaceful and quiet, well quiet for New York.
-Central Park rocks my socks off.
-The MET is nice, but the food in there is too damn expensive.
-Times Square used to be a seedy place full of peepshows, now it’s like Disney World on crack.
-Food is too damn expensive there.
-The CNN studios in NYC were f-ing awesome! I got to see the set for Newsnight and Lou Dobbs.
-Frier and I talked A LOT about any and everything. A lot of self-discovery was done.
-I will admit, I went to the movies by myself the last night and it was great! Especially when I saw the giant rainbow flag in the lobby.
-EVERYONE had an Ipod in New York.
-Greenwich Village is the shit.
-It was sad to leave, but I was happy to come back home.
-I think I might want to live there one day.

That’s it for me peeps. (Who the hell says peeps?!)

Good day!