Saturday, August 20, 2005

It’s been a while. For the past two weeks I’ve been immersed in school, moving, people, and just everything. Every time I would try to start a new blog post, something would come up and I wouldn’t get a chance to finish. So here goes…

Right now I’m sitting in the living room of the apartment I share with Kori in Statesboro. Don’t you love that? Apartment, MY apartment. With MY bedroom and MY kitchen, and MY bathroom. Love it. But then again I might not get so happy about the MY when the bills start coming in. But we won’t think about that right now. Classes started last week – I have a full load this time. I’m taking Video Production, Critical Thinking (I need to learn how to think critically), Intro to Mass Communication, Rhetoric of Social Movements, and Social Issues of Sport (ha). All of my classes are really cool. My Social Issues of Sport and Mass Comm. classes have like 50 to 60 people in them. I’m SO not use to that. I’m a little worried about Critical Thinking though…what happens if I find out I can’t think critically? I’ll be up a creek, like big time.

Being in Statesboro is refreshing. It’s small, but not too small. There’s room to breathe here. I’ve bumped into many people from high school since I’ve been here. The first night Kori and I were here, we had a little get together with Alex H., Michael R. (and his girlfriend Jennifer), Josh B. (and his girlfriend Samantha), and Zach H. If anyone else came, I don’t remember because I was so TIRED. But it was cool seeing everyone again and catching up on the past two years of life. Danielle and Lisa came over and enjoyed in the get together. By the end of the night a little party had started in our apartment. A bunch of people and alcohol and loudness….Welcome to the ‘Boro’! The first weekend here was full of drama with my family and me trying to get the rest of my crap down here from Atlanta. Eventually all of my stuff ended up down here – thanks Mother.

Can I just say that Statesboro is the hottest place I have EVER been before? What did Kori call it….the asshole of Satan? It’s THAT hot. I have NEVER sweated this much before.

Now to the part of the post that I have been trying to figure out how to write….Joseph. Joseph and I have gotten to know each other really well. We ended up hanging out that Tuesday before I left. The night before I freaked out and ended up calling Paul M. at like 3 something in the morning to figure out what we were going to do. I had a great itinerary planned: Atlanta Botanical Gardens, Joe’s on Juniper for dinner and trivia, a movie, and then a nice walk at Piedmont Park. WELL, most of this stuff didn’t happen. I was late getting off of work so that pushed the time back. We skipped the Gardens and went to Joe’s. We had a WONDERFUL time sitting there talking, laughing, and just enjoying each other’s company. We then went to a movie theatre to try and watch some scary movie – I don’t even remember the title anymore. The movie theatre we went to wasn’t showing the movie so we drove more and tried another one. By the time we got to the second movie theatre, they had already started showing the last movies for the night so we were shit out of luck. I suggested we go back downtown, get some Krispy Kreme and go to Centennial Olympic Park. Because I must have killed someone in a previous life or something, karma bit me in the ass and I couldn’t find the donut shop! I got lost downtown for a little bit. I got a little frustrated, but Joseph assured me that he was having fun just driving around downtown. Poor thing, I figured he could feel the frustration pouring from my pores. Through a stroke of pure luck I finally found the place. After we got the donuts Joseph suggested we go to Chastain Park and eat the death holes. We sat out side on a swinging bench and talked. It was wonderful. The night had come to an end so I had to take him back to his car – which I REALLY didn’t want to. We said our goodbyes and that was that. We have continued to talk since then. I’m excited, but I’m keeping my composure and just letting it “flow.”

Newspaper. I’m back at it again. I’m the Variety Editor for The George-Anne, Georgia Southern’s daily student newspaper. Everyone on staff has been super cool. Wednesday night was layout night. For my first week they just had me put together one page. Better believe that shit was fun. I haven’t layed out a newspaper page since April—even though it doesn’t feel like it was that long ago. Everyone on staff is witty and funny. I spent most of the time balled over in laughter.

Jake, Kyle, and Laura left a couple of hours ago. They came yesterday to spend some time with me and have a little early birthday celebration—my birthday is this Monday, the 22nd. Last night, Jake, Kyle, Laura, Danielle, Lisa, and I went to Applebee’s for some good eats. I had too much meat. Afterwards we went to Wal-Mart to pick up some cake mix and icing. Laura and Jake made me a very delicious and happy looking birthday cake. We sat up and talked and laughed. Today they all helped me decorate my bedroom and office. They look very cool!

It’s a late Saturday evening and I’m sitting here about to conk out. I’m really tired and want to sleep – I hope Joseph call’s tonight. Is that pathetic? I really would like to hear his voice…

WELL, now that I’ve shown a little piece of my insides, it’s time to get ready for bed.

Good day!