Thursday, November 18, 2004

I think a YAY is in order for the moment. Tomorrow is Friday. Next week is Thanksgiving (my stomach is smiling) AND I got my money today!! What money you ask? Well I’ll tell you fine ladies and gentlemen…this summer my old high school sent me a letter saying that I could apply for a “follow up” scholarship that they were giving to people from the Class of 2003 who won the scholarship back when we graduated. In our essay we had to talk about accomplishments we made in our first year of college. Well I banged out a nice little essay and sent it on its merry way to Roswell. The deadline was August 1st; fast forward to the middle of September. I hadn’t heard from them so I thought they had awarded someone else. One dreary early October afternoon I was sitting in the newspaper office looking at the computer screen when an icon box popped up letting me know I had an e-mail. I opened up my e-mail, and there on the screen waiting for my eyes to devour it was the letter from RHS letting me know that I had won the scholarship!! I was elated. I was shocked. I was happy. I was put into an instant orgasm. (Sorry for the visual picture) I was just damn happy! So yeah, my checked arrived in the mail today and it was wonderful!! I won’t get to spend most of it, but just knowing that I finally have backup money puts me at ease. I’m like Mr. Backup, so now I don’t have to worry if something happens to my car.

Tonight the Theatre Company held a showing of “Camp.” Two people came—Jake and I. That’s it. No one else. That also happened when we showed the old time classic horror movies the week of Halloween, no one showed up. But we still watched the good parts and had a gay ole’ time.

Now I’m sitting in the newspaper office waiting for Danielle to come so we can start studying for our Astronomy test on Tuesday. I don’t like that class; I’m not going to get a good grade in that class. That makes me sad inside. Not really. If it were English, I would go jump off a ledge or something.

My deadline to get the newspaper to the press is Monday. Today is Thursday; I have a test Tuesday in Astronomy. I wonder if I’ll be able to pull this shit off. I sense a 24 hour day coming, maybe Saturday. That means I have to get a lot of sleep tonight so I can stay up the whole time.

You know what I miss? I miss the anonymity that Blogs use to have. When I look back at my earlier entries I cringe at the details I give. I left no stone unturned back then. I talked about any and everything back then. Anything was fair game. Now I don’t write about such private moments—I wonder if that’s a good or bad thing.

So over the Thanksgiving Break I’m going to work on my English paper, my Astronomy paper, my Global Politics paper, and study for the Map exam I have in History over the break. What a busy break this will be. Maybe that’s a good thing; I won’t spend so much money this time. Over Christmas break I plan on applying to UGA and Georgia Southern. I prefer UGA, but we shall see. I’m so excited to be graduating this spring. HA! Miguel with a college degree, although it will only be an Associates, but still, I think it will be cool.

Ok, so I think this is the most random I have been in a long time. This post is all over the place. That’s how it’s like inside my head, so many things going on all at once.

Well I’m off to study or sleep. Can’t remember which one.

Good day!