Monday, October 20, 2003

Here's a quick rundown of my life for the last few days. (Not enough time to write full entry):

1) Went to Athens this weekend. LOVED IT! I’ve decided that’s where I want to go to school after hell (aka South Georgia)
2) The newspaper came out last week, with my gay article. Few people upset, but some people left nasty things on my dorm room door. (Bitches) =)
3) Life is GOOD, no matter WHAT!
4) I FINALLY got my John Mayer cd! (I’m going to marry him, you watch and see!)
5) I spent wayyyy to much money in Athens, but it was SO worth it!
6) Fuck you, and yo momma too!
7) I saw Caitlin! I love her!
8) I went to my first college party, F.U.N.

Ok, that’s all I can write right now, I’ll give a full rundown of what happened later on. But now, it’s off to English.