Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Well it’s been a couple of days since I lasted posted in here. Thanks to everyone for their words of encouragement. This was a really tough situation for me. Even though Smiles and I only have known each other for a day, it feels as if we have known each other forever. My heat still aches when I think about him and what could have been, but I have to move on. But who knows what the future will bring...

As of right now I feel like I am up to my eyes in work. I don’t know how I’m going to get through this year and get everything done and have a decent GPA. I hope I don’t have to put aside my dreams of UGA because of this year. There is just so much going on and NO time to do it in – but I could make better use of my time. I spend a lot of time just sitting around with different people during the day talking and such. I keep telling myself that I’m going to do my homework and crap in the afternoon so at night I can just hop in the bed and go to sleep. Ah, sleep…I sure do miss getting it. Last year I use to get like 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night, gosh I miss that. Sleep is so good, I mean, it’s like AWESOME. I love that feeling when you first lay down and your body just relaxes…mmmmmm…..

Well I went to Weight Watchers last night for the first time since August. Get this, I’ve lost SIX pounds since August, SIX! HA! I just knew they were g ng to tell me that I had gained another whole person in size, but nope, I lost weight. So I’m going to TRY and get back in the Weight Watchers program so I can reach my goal by January. I’m actually going to stick to my New Year’s Resolution! Well at least one of them.

Something I did today (thanks Catie) -
The Ultimate Politics Survey
Describe your stance on:
Abortion: Pro-Choice
Affirmative Action: For - but with reform
Age of Consent: 17 - Let the kids do it! Just teach em!
Animal Testing: Please don't.
Death Penalty: I still don't know
Downloading Music/Movies: Hmmm...download! They have millions.
Drug Decriminalization: Tax it.
Factory Farming: Um, yeah...
Free Trade: Trade away
Funding of Arts: MORE MONEY!!
Gay Marriage: I'm going to have to say YES to this one!
Gun Control: Do you REALLY need that gun? NO!
Immigration: Let them come in! It is AMERICA isn't it?
Hardcore Pornography: If they are over 18, let em do it and show everyone.
Human Cloning: Clone away.
Miltary Draft: NO NO NO...but then again I'm telling...I'M GAY!!!!
Minimum Wage: Give the kids at least $6 to work with.
Prostitution: Hmmm...make it legal and tax it.
School Vouchers: NO! Make the schools better, duh!
Taxes: Keep them where they are, no more tax cuts until we can get out of debt, but then again I don't know much about this so....
United Nations: YAY?
Universal Health Care: YES! I don't have Health Care and I need some, I don't want to die.
War on Terrorism: Damn
Welfare: Yes, but with reform.
Take The Ultimate Politics Survey
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I have play rehearsal in like ten minutes, so I guess I should get going…

Good day!