Sunday, September 05, 2004

Ya know what? Life is one big bitch. Here’s why:

1) Taking 18 hours (6 classes) is not fun. All I do is read – which is probably a good thing if you’re in college. So I guess that’s a good thing.
2) I can’t seem to lose weight. Every time I start on some weight lost thing, after two weeks, I quit. It’s like my subconscious is trying to tell me something, but I don’t know what.
3) I can’t seem to hold on to any money, I think it’s because I stopped returning tithes to church. hmmmm….
4) My neck and legs hurt…ouch
5) So many potentials, but none ever materialize.
6) There is ALWAYS a meeting for SOME club, always.
7) I wish people would seriously get over the gay thing! It’s just starting to get annoying now! Oh my gosh – I like guys. BIG DEAL! GET OVER IT! UGH!
8) Having to deal with other people’s feelings is a bitch, and very difficult.

Some reason’s why life isn’t a bitch:
1) I LOVE being Editor; it’s like my little baby that’s gone with me through college. I can’t wait to leave and see how it grows up. But until then, WORK WORK.
2) I met some really cool new people this past weekend. Let’s see if I can remember their names: Kyle, Ashley, JC, Chad, Justin, Kim, and Kyle’s cousin…I think her name starts with an L (I’m SO bad with names!)?! But anywho, I had a fun time with them Friday night. I know they probably thought I was weird since I didn’t say anything the whole night (I know, ME silent? It happens sometimes). I think the funniest part of the night was when I followed Ashley, Kyle, and JC to Kyle’s cousin’s house. His cousin lives in the COUNTRY, way back on some dirt road somewhere. I was following all of them in my little car on the dirt road. It was dark, there was dust, there was corn, I’m black – I was scared… Regardless – I had my eye on someone that night, but I’ll expand another day…fun times were had, met some new people and I hope to do it again soon. Thanks Kyle!
3) Catie is awesome! I think Catie and Caitlin would get along – both great girls!
4) I’m now the Vice President of the Gay-Straight Alliance at school! WOOT WOOT…I’m actually happy to not be President, I just don’t have the time to put a lot of energy to get the club up and running. At our last gathering, since I was the outgoing President, I had to lead the meeting. We had a handful of new people so I thought it would be fun for everyone to say their name, how many years they have been at SGC, etc. Well, there were these guys from local churches at the meeting who just wanted to “pop in and see what the club is about.” YEAH. They looked very uncomfortable the whole time. I should have yelled out PENIS after every fourth word to make them really squirm! Fun times.
5) Frier gave me a $25 gift card to Franklin Covey! THNAK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost had an organism when I got it! I LOVE that store!
6) The baseball players on my floor have been nice so far – I haven’t had anything written on my door or anything, but I think it’s getting to the point where they are figuring out that I am gay, so now they just say, “hey” and scurry along. But then, I sometimes wonder if they do that because I don’t seem as if I actually want to talk to them?! Hmmm…
7) I’m going to interview Margaret Edson next week! She authored the play, “Wit,” which was made into an HBO movie starring Emma Thompson as the lead character. She’s coming next Friday and I’m going to get to sit and interview her for the paper – like a real journalist! HA! YEAH RIGHT! lol We are also doing her play sometime in mid October – I was cast in the play by the way! YAY! I get to do some acting again!
8) We have a lot of new people on staff and I’m really excited, I think it’s going to be a good year for the newspaper.

Well that pretty much gives a synopsis of what my life has been like for the past week. Until next time… I’M GOING TO GET MY COOKIE!!