Sunday, October 31, 2004

Hey hey...another week has gone by, thank you Jesus. I feel as if I have been in school FOREVER, but it's still October, well I guess I could say it's November.

I'm sitting at the radio station right now, bored. I should be doing something, but I'm just not in the mood at the moment.
This week has been an active one. Of course I wasn't able to get the newspaper to the press in time, so people will only have one day to read all of the political articles inside, but they probably wouldn't read it anyway. How do you get people who don't care to read our newspaper (! Maybe I should put two naked people inside or something, maybe then they would read. Probably not, they would just look at the pictures and put the newspaper down.

We did the Haunted House again this week. I didn't work inside scaring people like I did last year. After last week with the newspaper, I couldn't stand being in a spot for four hours straight scaring people, as fun as that sounds. I did crowd control this year. It was better than I thought. I got to talk to some of the local Douglas people who came through. I met some cool individuals, but I ran into a few assholes of course. After I finished briefing a group on the instructions for protocol inside the house, the boy at the head of the group whispered into my ear, "If I give you $10, can I call you a faggot?" WHAT THE HELL?!? I was so taken aback I didn't know what to say for a couple of seconds, after I regained my composure, I spat out something smart to him, and told his group to keep going. People are so bold these days! Ah...I wish that wouldn't have caught me so off guard, I would have had them taken out of the Haunted House. Next time I know what to do, well hopefully there won't be a next time.

I talked to the person that I was referring to in the last post, and things have been resolved. I still feel a twinge of pain when I think about what happened, but I try not to let all of those feelings permeate through out my body and ruin the moment. After a while I'll be able to have a normal friendship with them. Time is such a wonderful tool.

Oh, the General Manager of the radio station told me last week that he wants me to broadcast from a polling place on Tuesday evening. He wants me to report on air for who won there, YAY for some on air radio experience!

Caitlin and family sent me this nice Halloween basket of food in the mail. I was VERY shocked, and elated to get such a package!! I never get stuff like that...THANK YOU!!!!! - hint hint to my family!! Like they read this! HA!

Tuesday. Election Day. Oh God. PLEASE let Mr. John K. Kerry win. If Bush wins, I will be horribly upset and may have to move to Canada or London, or maybe Spain.

I'm done for now.

Good day!