Sunday, September 07, 2003

The past few days have been cool...nothing much to report. Today I worked with Phillip and everyone to start the Haunted House. It's in an old dorm... it's really scary; I know it's going to be really fun when it's all done. Tonight I moved over to the C-Wing, to the none black wing. I swear, I think the B-Wing 1st floor is ALL black people....I've asked the RM if they did that on purpose and he swears that it just happened like that..hmmm... well it doesn't matter, I'm not there anyway...I think next week I start my duties as RA....awesome..I thought that we only got paid $250 a semester (sp?), but it's actually $250 a month, it's not a lot for a month, but for just having to walk around and write people up, which I will (MUHAHAHA), I think that's damn good. Cory, Cory, Cory, Cory, Cory...that's how my brain works now...that's all I think about now...I'm so excited for us...YAY! Oh, I had my first two college quizzes last in Political Science and one in English, or I should say Composition 1102…. it’s really ironic how in high school I thought I was the shit in English, I get here and it feels like I’ve only had English lessons in Elementary school and just stopped there! But it’s cool…I’ll find out next week how I did on the quizzes… But yeah....I'm in Tyler's room and he's looking at me like, "Get the F%$# out my room!" So I think I'll end it here.... I'm really tired too....