Saturday, August 23, 2003

Okayyy, so my first day in college. Well it was a bit low key from what I was expecting. I hope my first day is not foreshadowing what’s going to be the norm for me. SO, here’s what happened to me today. Got to the college around 2 PM. My mother and I moved all my boxes into the dorm. (Side note: my roommate didn’t move in today, so I have an empty room.) I really do have probably way more then I need. But I see it like this, everyone has to go through some type of freshman rituals, and mine seemed to be over packing. **Let’s hope I can avoid the Freshman 15!** after we finally finish lugging all my boxes and crap into the room, my Grandmother, Mother, and I head to the all-you-can-eat buffet! Oh yeah, only the classy for us! We eat, talk, laugh, and have fun. They bring me back to the school and we say our goodbyes. I walk back to an empty room, just my stuff looking at me. Fun. I prop my door open in hopes of someone coming to talk to me. Of course no one does. I then start putting my computer up and organizing my desk. After I’ve finished that arduous task, I climb into my bed just to see what it feels like. Next thing I know I wake up and it’s like three hours later! I was really tired. I go into the common room and get on the computer to check my e-mail and what not. This girl who’s sitting next to me starts talking to me and we have a cool conversation. SO basically, for the next two hours I stay in he common room on the computer watching TV, talking to a few people. It’s 11:00 so I call it an evening and head back to my room. I’m sitting in my room reading and I decided that I wanted my Jack Johnson cd, which is in my car (I LOVE saying that, MY car!). I walk out, and go through the common room. I SWEAR I think I saw a keg sitting somewhere against the wall! I don’t know…am I just stupid…do other things come in Kegs? Like Sprite or something?!? People are drinking and sitting around, not my scene. Oh God, did I do the right thing? Hopefully some more people will come tomorrow who I can talk to!