Monday, August 04, 2003

Tragedy. You never when it’s going to hit, or whom it’s going to hit.

Today I went into work, got off at 2. Went to pick up my friend Stephanie so we could go shopping for school. I got everything I needed. We had fun laughing about old times and such. I got home to show my Grandmother what all I had bought. I spent a total of $172.20 today. I was proud that I was able to get so much and still be under budget. My Grandmother, Stephanie, my grandmother’s friend, Ms. Weston, and myself were just sitting around talking about college. The phone rang. My Grandmother picked it up, so Stephanie and I went into my room so I could her show her this year’s yearbook. I walk back into the living room and my Grandmother is sitting on the couch with this sad faraway look in her eyes as she’s talking on the phone. It doesn’t really register in my brain yet. I look over at Ms. Weston who’s sitting next to my Grandmother on the couch, and she mouths something to me. I can’t understand what she’s saying; I move closer, I still can’t understand what she’s saying. She speaks up and says, “Stella passed away.” I look at her in confusion and ask, “Mrs. Kaye?” She slowly nods her head, yes. Shock. Terror. Heartbreak. Disbelief. Sadness … all this ran through my mind in the ten seconds that it took for me to turn around and walk back into my room. I couldn’t, well I can’t believe it. My Godmother, Mrs. Kaye, is gone. I won’t hear any more stories about how when I was a baby she would have to wear a raincoat when picking me up because I would spit upon her. At my daycare, she was the only person who could put me to sleep. Or when my mother was labor and she screamed that she wanted a hamburger and Mrs. Kaye ran downstairs to the McDonald’s and bought her a hamburger and my Mother had only taken one bite and said she was done. I was born shortly after. No more stories. No more smiles. No more calls. How could this happen? What do I do? Do I smile? Do I cry? Do I think? I just don’t know. This is the first time anyone near me has died. She was just in the hospital to do some checkups or something.

Life’s a bitch, but you have to take it by the balls and take control. Live life. LAUGH! No more petty crap. Live life.

I Love you Mrs. Kaye. I want to hear that story one more time.