Thursday, July 10, 2003

It seems as if every time I start to have a little faith in human kind, something happens to SMASH it and I then think again that every one is going to hell, expect for me, a few others of course! j/k lol I came to this thought process as I was looking through XY (gay teen site) and I ran across this profile, I was like ok, this is cool. They had a link to their site, so I went there. There profile on the site was cool, it said they were from Georgia, went to Cornell... when he said he went to Cornell I thought, oh yeah, this person MUST be cool, if Ryan is going to that school, they must have morals and values, blah, blah. BOY was I wrong. As I read their entries it came apparent to little ole innocent me, that this person did drugs of some kind, had sex with people they called their tricks, and so on. Sometimes I feel like a complete stranger everywhere I go. It's like, I'm not pretty enough to be with gay crowd, I'm not black enough to hang with the blacks, I'm too poor to hang out with the whites ... ugh! But I'm not going to go into a Woe is me entry. But that's just how I feel.

Tomorrow I'm going to South Georgia for the first time. I sure do hope I like, seeing as how I'm going to spending two years there, I hope it's the best damn place I can be. It's going to take us fours to get there so were leaving at like 8:30, when I say we, I mean my Grandmother and her friend .... this leads me to another subject, some of you who read this, which I doubt there is, but let's just assume one of my friends from school read this. They would probably ask themselves ... "Hmmm, I wonder why Miguel's mother isn't going with him to visit the college he will be attending?" I'm glad you asked that, you want to know the answer ... BECASUE SHE IS IRERESPONSIBLE AND SHE NEEDS TO GROW THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh My Freakin goodness, whenever I ask her for something, she acts like I'm fifty years old without a job begging for money. I'M STILL 17!!! THAT MEANS THAT SHE IS SUPPOSED TO PROVIDE AND CARE FOR ME, RIGHT?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? Oh, Oh, and it just pisses me off when were together and she's like, "I can't wait for you to be famous so I can quit working and you can buy me a house." Ok, when was the last time she had job, when was the last time she was ACTUALLY looking for a job? Yeah, um hm, that's right, not in a damn long time! And...... I'm spent! (Not really, my fingers just hurt from banging the damn keyboard.)

Goodnight, and God Bless!