Sunday, July 13, 2003

Life is ok. I mean, doors still keep closing in my face, but you know what, it's not the end of the world. You take each day and try to make it better. Each day may suck, but when you wake up, you start over, and make it damn good! I don't care what people say or don't say to me. I want to be happy damnit! You know what, I don't need anyone! Yeah right, by tomorrow I'll be screaming about how I want someone. I can never make up my mind. I really should go to bed and get a life, it's 3:14 and I'm still on the net! LOSER! But so what if I'm a loser, at least I do it in style. Ok, now I'm just talking stupid. Ok, so I'm going to bed and I'm going to think about the future how fun it's going to be. My big house, my Jetta, my job, my dog, my carpet, my bed .....