Sunday, December 31, 2006
Any who, I’m trying to think of a way to sum up the past year. I think the theme for this year has been self discovery. At South Georgia College, I discovered who I was as a person and what type of life I wanted. I’ve got that down. This year, I rediscovered my outer self. I’ve done more socializing this year than anytime of my life. Kori and I had many parties at our apartment, I had a sort of steady group of friends, I started drinking – everything seemed to be centered on the Miguel outside. This year I’ve made huge strides in getting to where I want to be in my career. I guess I’ll just make some categories and go from there.
School: Before I left SGC, they told us that SGC students had the best success rate when we went on to four-year schools. I thought that was a crock of crap. I didn’t think it was true. Well, I was wrong. I’ve never been this successful at school. Since I’ve been at Georgia Southern, I’ve nothing below a B. All A’s and B’s in every class. Even when I took 21 hours last spring, I still came out with all A’s and B’s. Thanks SGC. I’ve discovered that I don’t suck at journalistic writing. I’ve taken several journalism classes now and I’ve gotten an A in each one. I think my fear of my writing abilities is starting to subside.
Family: This has been the first time since I was a child that people in my direct family passed away. I lost my Grandfather and my great Uncle. Both were tough. Losing my Grandfather was hard, but not as I thought it would be. I think I had prepared myself for this to happen, so it wasn’t a shock when it happened. But with each funeral, I couldn’t help but think about my Grandmother. Even thinking about it now makes me want to cry. When she goes, I won’t know how to, I don’t know, exist. She has been the corner stone of my life, with my mother, and without the two of them, I really don’t know what I would do. But I think what does help is the fact that my Grandmother is completely unafraid of death. She’s done what she was sent to this earth to do and she has done well. I just hope she continues to get the chance to do that on earth for a good 20 more years. lol
Friends: I’ve learned a lot about long lasting friendships this year. I’ve also learned to listen a lot this year. I think the biggest step that I’ve taken with friendships this year is dependency. I don’t think anyone should ever be totally dependent on someone being there with you all the time, but this year I’ve learned to have a healthy dose of that. Last year and even before that, I was never dependent on my friends to be there to eat lunch with me every day or go shopping with me. If no one was around to go with me, I was alright going to eat by myself or whatever. This year I learned to lean on friends for normal friend’s thing. I have people I can call up when ever and shoot the breeze with (shoot the breeze, is that right?). It’s nice to know that if I have a crisis at 3:30 in the morning, I can call someone and they will be there to help me out, or I be there for them.
Social Anxiety: This summer, I stared my social anxiety right in the face. When I went on one of my first promotional events during my internship to a club, I freaked out. Every one could tell that I was having one of the worst nights of my life. After that, I started looking at why I have such a hard time dealing with social settings like that and made up my mind that I had to change that. Going with the whole friend’s thing, that has really helped. Going to parties and random parties has really helped me leap out of my shell.
Career: The love of radio is here and here to stay. A friend of mine told me before the semester started that after doing the morning show for a term, I would be over morning radio. Not true. I love it even more now. Doing The Morning Buzz has been a joy like no other. I love it, my co-workers love it, and the listeners love it. It just makes me happy to know that people like the work that we do.
Love: HA. Well, nothing new to report on here. Still single, only slightly bitter. We shall see what the New Year brings.
So, in a nut shell, this has been a good year for me. The good weeks and bad weeks have balanced out to make a steady year. 2007 will see lot’s of changes in my life. In eight months I have no clue where I will be. That scares me to death. Hopefully I won’t be in a box somewhere.
Happy New Year!
Good day!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
A mother once told me, “You are such a great guy, any person would be lucky to have you in their life.”
My mother once told me, “I love you more life itself, I know one day you will find a guy who will make you happy.”
A few years and some months later I’m still wondering if these statements are going to come true. I know, I know, another DRUNK post about men. Sorry. Deal with it. It’s on my mind.
I find the small ironies in life funny. I find my supposed love life funny.
SO, I have to so stop drinking and opening up my laptop. One day I’m going to actually write truth.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Sometimes I feel like after everything I’ve been through I still haven’t learned a lesson. But right now, I can tell you that I have. I am not doing it again. And it is drama. Getting in between people, dealing with the he said, she said stuff. I just don’t have the time or energy for it. It’s time for me to stop worrying about a boyfriend and start worrying about how I’m going to pay for the meal after graduation. If I am to enter into a serious relationship or even think about one, the drama has to be gone.
What’s interesting about all this is the fact that a couple of days ago, I started to write a blog post, here’s what I had:
I’ve gotten to the point that I don’t blog when something significant happens in my life. I sure as heck don’t like that! I have felt a blog post brewing for a while, but have never gotten around to it. A few times when I was drunk I wanted to post but I decided it wouldn’t be wise. I’m sick of coming to my blog and reading another depressing post about people with testosterone. So, this one will have other stuff in it too.
So yeah, I’ll continue on with that train of thought.
School is going well. I think I will make my first C since I have been at Georgia Southern. My Theories of Mass Comm class isn’t hard, it just requires a lot of thought and reading and my head has just not been in the game. All my other classes are coming along nicely. I guess SGC did get me ready for the big leagues. They did a great job.
The Buzz. I love and hate that radio station. I love when things go right and I can just sit back and listen to some fun, creative radio, then there are other times when I just want to quit and walk away. I guess anything you love this much has a huge affect on you. The morning show is amazing. When we are on, we are on, and I love it. There’s nothing like having someone stop you during the day and telling you that they laughed so hard listening to the show they couldn’t breathe or something like that. I want to do morning radio. Simple as that. My plan of attack needs to start forming soon so I know what I’m going to do.
Life in general. I have generally happy disposition on life these days. Earlier this semester I was down and thought I wasn’t going to come up, but of course, like always, the clouds lifted and I came back. This year I have made some incredible friendships that I hope to keep for a lifetime. I always knew friends were important, but I never have depended on people as much as I do now. Just having someone call you for lunch or just to hang out and watch TV is awesome. It’s nice to know that people are thinking about you and want to spend time in your presence. And I love learning from these people. So many life lessons have been spelled out for me this semester, and if it weren’t for all the good and bad, I wouldn’t have learned.
Alrighty, so as I’ve been typing, the situation from the first paragraph as been playing out in my mind. I have got to promise myself that I will not comprise myself to be with someone because they have shown interest. I can’t do that again.
I’m done. So tired right now.
Good day!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
That’s a simple lessons, something you are taught in school. But when your teacher sits you down and tells you to stop making fun of the smelly kid and to not “Judge a book by its cover,’ they don’t tell you that the same rule applies to pretty, charismatic people. Sometimes, those are the most dangerous types. They say all the right words and make you seem like the king of the world, but those words are empty and are nothing but broken promises. In the end, you have to sift through the entire BS to find the truth.
Tonight there was a little get together at a friend’s house. Many gays came over, and of course, like I have learned this year, there was drama. You add in food and alcohol with the gays and explosive things tend to happen. This was sub par. Nothing too major. With two new introductions into the equation of people that I’ve never met, it was interesting to talk with them. Found out a little stuff that normally wouldn’t have crossed my eyes, but I have, and it’s interesting to know.
Life otherwise is busy as usual. The radio station, classes, Clear Channel. I’ve got to do everything in between. So I’m out. A little tipsy ( a lot) and ready to conk out.
I have no clue what is going on. I’m tired.
Good day!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Everyone tells me that I need to wait until I leave Statesboro, but I see so many gay people dating and in relationships. It would be nice to have that connection with someone.
I’m done, for now.
Good day!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
This weekend, the last Labor Day weekend of my schooling career was spent doing a whole lot of nothing. Kevin helped me do my room. It looks wonderful. I bought furniture and everything for my room. This is the first time I’ve had a room with matching stuff, a real comforter and everything. Kevin even built the book case and dresser. He also replaced my headlight and dome light on my poor car. Ah, what to do about this situation. My gut is telling me just to wait it out and see. After all that I have been through with guys, one of the many lessons I have finally learned is the lesson of patience. Don’t push or rush things. Just let it happen. That’s all I’m going to say about that.
With each passing week, I move closer to graduation from college. I’ve been looking forward to this day for years; actually, I’ve been looking forward to this day as long as I can remember. But then what? I’ve been working towards this goal of getting out of school for my whole life, and then what do I do? Going into radio is not the safest bet, probably not the smartest, but it’s what I love and what I know. I just hope I don’t botch it up. I just have no clue where I will end up by July 2007. I really hope I’m not living in Fairburn, Georgia with my Grandmother. In my mind, that would totally erase everything I have been working for since I’ve been in school. There are so many options I could go after. Radio is not like some occupations where there’s a given path that you take to get to where you want to be. I want to be a morning show host one day, but there are so many ways to get there. Some say to go and work in other parts of the day as the night guy, then move up in day parts while some advise that I just stay in mornings and try to be a stunt guy/producer for some small market morning show and work my way up. I don’t know…
Well, it’s time for sleep.
Good day!
Monday, August 28, 2006
I’m sitting at the station, of course, pretending to do homework, but fielding calls about stuff with the radio station, personal love life stuff, and friendship woes. I love my life being busy like this. It feels like I have a purpose, I have a daily mission. Last fall when I got here and I was working at the george-anne, I felt like I was just wondering through the semester without much to grab onto. Last spring, when I parted ways with the george-anne and went to the buzz, life picked up a bit. I did the night show and was at the radio station every weeknight from 7pm until 11pm doing Buzz Late Night Live. Fun times, but it took a chunk away from my life. It’s not like I do much anyway, but that was a crap load. Now I have the morning show, programming and running the buzz, promotions work in savannah, class, and a somewhat respectable social life. I just now cracked open a book for what’s supposed to be one of the hardest classes I take as a Broadcasting major. I feel like a slack student right now. I’m hoping to get myself together this week/weekend. Let’s not even talk about the money situation…
Let’s actually. I’m so broke, it’s really not funny. Financial aid comes in tomorrow and I could not be happier. I have a few bills that are past due, I owe every one and their mother money, it’s just not nice. But hopefully with this little jumpstart to my bank account I’ll be able to hold my head up when someone asks if I want to do lunch.
I’ve been more social in the past few weeks than I can remember me ever being. Lately my apartment has become the gay Mecca of Statesboro. Really. Just about every night for the past couple of weeks I have had a host of gays over. It’s been nothing but interesting. I was so use to having Kori’s friends over all the time I had no clue how to deal with all these new people. On top of that, I have started drinking. Yes. I have started drinking. I am as shocked as anyone. Last week I think I had a drink every night of the week. Welcome to the world of being 21!
My 21st birthday was last week. Had lots of fun! Because of my deathly obsession with food, I had dinner at Ryan’s with a bunch of friends for my birthday. It was cute to see everyone together. Since my friends are kind of all over the place, it’s nice to see everyone meet and have fun with each other. That night we went back to my place and I had a very fun 21st birthday. That’s all I’ll say about that.
As usual, the romantic side of things are pretty much dead. There were a few possibilities when the school year started, but like usual, they faded quickly and I am left with my work and school. Alright by me. By this point in the game, I am OVER it. So over it.
It’s 11:05 and way past my bedtime. My goal is to be in the bed every night by 10pm. Probably not going to happen, but I’ll keep trying to make it in by 10pm.
This past weekend I went to Paula Deens restaurant, Lady and Sons. Can I just say that was the BEST FOOD I HAVE EVER EATEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!! Just thinking about it makes my mouth water. Gosh. I want some now. I think I’m going to go back this weekend. I don’t care if it’s by myself. It’s just too good.
I’m tired now.
Good day!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Today I heard someone saying something about a person and their weight. (Talk about being vague!) I don’t know why, but the comment they said just bothered me. It wasn’t anything mean, but it just showed the shallowness of our society. I’m technically a little over weight, but I just look like a need to lay off a few hamburgers. I can’t imagine what people must go through who are truly overweight. The more I think about it, the more disgusted I get with the way we treat people and what we define beauty as in the U.S. I’m just sad over all for the state of where we are as a people. I talked to my therapist last week and he explained that I sometimes I let myself get too attached or involved with people or situations before I even get really involved. He was referring to the romantic side of my life. I can see this happening. I take each rejection so personally that it really starts to get to me after a while. I can’t stop feeling as if I can’t take it personally. I’m just too sensitive to things that happen in life. I try not to be, but I can’t help it. Eh. I’m just writing now, not really saying anything.
I have a friend who is going through drama with a past flame. Well, it’s more than a flame, it’s a love. I don’t really understand why they keeping coming back together. But after I talked with them, I couldn’t help but think about love and exactly what it means to people. As I’ve gotten older and seen my friends in more adult relationships, I see the crap that people have to put up with from the other person. I get so easily annoyed or offended by people, I sometimes wonder how I would react in the situations I see my friends in. Relationships are work. There’s another person you have to deal with. Another person with a set of beliefs, a way of driving, eating, talking, sleeping, everything…and you have to mesh with that person to become one in a relationship. HA!
Kori and I move in tomorrow…awesome.
Good day!
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Saturday, July 29, 2006
My internship ended last week. Last week…last week was probably one of the worst in recent history for me. Let’s roll down the highlights, shall we?
-I hit a dog. On the last day of my internship, I was on I-16 cruising down the highway singing John Mayer or something like that, and all of sudden a dog shoots out from the woods and runs onto the highway straight into my car… Needless to say I freaked out like a little girl and started screaming, but I did sort of keep my cool and was able to slow down and drive over to the median. The poor dog is in doggie heaven, my bumper is in my backseat and my car looks even more ghetto…moving on…
-So, there was a snag in the system and I didn’t get paid last week from one of my jobs…the result: my checking account with a balance of -397.68. Umhm. Okay.
-Kori and I are moving this week. We have to be out by Monday but we can’t move in until this Friday. So I’ll be floating around the ‘boro this week staying at different people’s houses. Fun times. I’m really excited to move though.
And the good stuff this week, well kind of good…
-The internship is over. I know some people thought I didn’t have fun or didn’t enjoy myself, but I did. I love just sitting there and soaking up all the radio info. I’m such a nerd when it comes to radio. I love it. I’m really excited because they are going to let me continue to VT overnights on the weekends when I go down to Savannah on the weekends to do promotional events. I’m also going to keep doing Promotions work throughout the school year.
-Now that I have a little more free time, I’m going to turn all my attention to The Buzz and making sure we are ready for the fall.
Now, the other stuff…
Well, here’s something that won’t surprise the .5 people that read this thing: I’m so over boys/men at the moment. They are nothing but a big bowl of disappointment. Whenever you think you’ve found one that you might be able to stomach for more than five minutes, something happens and they never talk to you again. Now, if I could find someone like John Mayer, I would be in a good place with life. But until then, meh…
Oh yeah, I forgot about the high point for this past week. There was a little party at my place this week and I actually participated! I drank a little, got a little happy, you know, did word vomits all over the place, expressed my undying love for a straight guy. Fun times. Pictures to come soon.
I’m out.
Good day!
Saturday, July 22, 2006
This summer has been a crazy one, of course. Driving to Savannah three days a week for the internship, and then going down Friday and Saturday for promotions stuff is no joke. My poor car is falling apart. There’s no a/c, the bumper is still coming off, the front headlight is out, the driver window is sticking to the frame or whatever and is becoming difficult to roll down, did I mention I have no a/c? But, the car will hold together, well it has to. I’ll probably have it for another two or three years.
Speaking of the internship, it has been great. I’ve learned tons this summer, more than I thought I would. There is so much involved in radio. Just when you think you have learned a lot, the next day someone will throw a curve ball and you realize that you haven’t even begun to scratch the surface.
We did a test morning show yesterday. It went really well. Jamie and I mentioned to each other that it felt weird not having Joe there. I hope it all comes together when he’s in the picture. I think we will have a good show.
Gosh, this post feels so mundane and ho hum. There’s some more stuff I wanted to hit up, but I didn’t want to have a whole pity party blog entry.
Through my therapy sessions this summer, I have come to a great deal of understanding of why I do some things and why I react to situations the way I do. I’ve always known this and may have written about it in the past, but I’m super jealous/envious of some people. It could be money, relationships, families, intelligence, looks, and a whole host of issues. I just don’t want to get into what got me thinking about all this tonight. I’m still a little bitter, but I really have no reason to be. Don’t you hate those situations you are removed from, but you can’t help but to feel passionately about what’s happening from afar? Make any sense? Probably not. It could have been fun…
I’m out.
Good day!
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
A quick run down of what’s been going on:
-I’ve really started to warm up and become comfortable at the internship. The people there are super cool. I had a remote this weekend and talked with one of the dj’s the whole time about the radio industry and what not. It was really cool to be able to talk at length with someone about radio without them rolling their eyes wanting me to shut up.
-I was stood up. I was supposed to go on a date, but he never showed. Found out that he got nervous. I sent a message saying it was cool, but that he should have called. Still haven’t heard back from him so I guess we can count that as over. Meh.
-My head is always swimming with stuff for the buzz, I really need to attach a post-it notepad to my belt buckle so I can have it at arms length when I think of something.
-Um, so I guess I can call myself a fan of country music…in my iTunes as of this weekend, I now have The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Rascal Flatts, Dixie Chicks, and Nickel Creek. Hmm…so I guess I have totally lost my black card. Did I ever have one? I’m so kidding. lol
-Kyle came to look for a car. His car was totaled a few weeks ago so he’s on the search for another car. I had to drive him home to H-town. Um, we got lost. I think it took four hours for the whole trip. But I did take his Arrested Development DVD’s. That will be next weekend’s project. Watch those and laugh.
-Have I mentioned that I love radio? lol I think I have accepted the fact that I will probably have to go on welfare when I graduate from college and get a job in radio. Maybe McDonalds will take my broadcasting degree. No really though…I’m probably going to work part-time at Barnes & Noble or something while doing radio after GSU.
I graduate from college in May. Oh. My. God.
It really is almost over.
Okay, so I’m tired now and I really want a double quarter pounder with cheese from McDonalds, but it’s way too late – if I stay up any longer, I might go and get one, so I better head to bed.
Things to keep in mind for the week:
-Slow down and think. You do not know everything.
-Concentrate on the tasks at hand. When you finish, you will find that it really wasn’t that painful.
-Constructive criticism at this point in the game is awesome, actually, I love it.
-Remember where you came from and where you want to go.
-Stop trusting people so easily, they break you.
That is all.
Good day!
Monday, June 19, 2006

Anywho. So I had my therapy session today, and I came to the conclusion that I was content with life, at the moment. I have friends, I’m cooking, my grades were good for summer classes, my internship is going well, and things just seem to be looking up at the moment.
Saturday I worked all day. I guess it was my make or break day as a PEA. I had four remotes in one day. At first I didn’t think I would be able to hang, but as the day went on, I found that I was able to deal with all the stuff that I had to do. The job was more physically demanding than I thought, but it was cool. I think I’m going to like it.
Andrew finally moved into the apartment this weekend. Adam has been here too. It’s been cool having people back in the apartment again. Adam and I have been cooking up a storm the past two days. I. LOVE. FOOD. That is all.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Probably one of the happiest days of the past few weeks yesterday. I was at KISS and asked the Program Director if I would be voice tracking at all this summer and he said yes, but at some point in the next few weeks. A little later, he informed me that I would be voice tracking the 3 & 4 a.m. shifts for this morning. Um. Okay. To most people, that’s nothing, but to me, little ole’ me, THAT MADE MY DAY!! That means that my voice will be heard by who knows how many people…well, granted it is 3 in the morning, BUT STILL!!!! I AM GOING TO BE ON A 100,000 WATT STATION!!
Stephen helped set me up to start voice tracking. You would have thought that I had never been on the radio before. I was SOOO nervous. I actually had him leave when I recorded my first break. Amateur. lol But afterwards, the PD sat down with me to go over my breaks. You would have thought that he was telling me I was greatest thing in the world. I had a big smile on my face with pen in hand writing down all the tips he gave me to improve. I’m so excited to get back in there and take what he told me and put it to action. Dork, I know. I can’t help it.
So I’m staying up to hear myself…AND I have a final this morning which I have not studied for. I mean, I have, but not like I should. Eh. Summer is just not for classes. So not motivated. But it’s over after the final today.
Big weekend ahead of me. I have a van hit this afternoon. Saturday I have remotes for KISS, Love 101, The Beat, and The River. It’s going to be a long day, but I think I’ll learn tons. I’m so loving this right now.
Alrighty, off to try and read some more. I should so be sleeping right now…
Good day!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
1) I have really good friends. What has probably been one of the most difficult financial times I have seen, my friends have continued to come through for me when I have needed help. By either listening to me bitch about not having any money or actually helping me out, they have all been there. For that, I will always be grateful.
2) I do not belong in clubs. I know I work in radio and that will become a regular part of my life, but right now, I feel uncomfortable in those types of situations. I don’t know why. I kind of just stand there gawking at people trying to remember to put an occasional smile on my face so I don’t look like I’m having the worst time in my life. Last night the KISS crew went to 309 West for a concert we cross promoted with 309 West to bring the singer Jelly. She did a really good job. She sang AND danced ON THE BAR! I was so afraid she was going to fall off! Regretfully, I couldn’t really enjoy her song that’s stuck in my head because of my social awkwardness. You know, I think some of that has to do with me being raised in the church. From the time of my earliest memories of church, I recall someone always saying, “Don’t go to those dance halls!” “You know Jesus does not go in there with you!” “You never know what could happen inside there!” “That’s where Satan lives!” So I guess I have all that going through my head while I’m inside. Maybe that’s a good thing…
So yeah, that’s that. I didn’t get home until four in the morning, so I’m going to go sit on the couch for the rest of the day to read and relax and mentally prepare for this busy week.
Good day!
Friday, June 09, 2006
-Summer classes are breeze compared to the last time I took summer classes.
-The internship at KISSFM is going well. I’ve been learning a lot. The first week there, some of the people were nice, others weren’t so friendly, but now people seem to be warming up to me.
-Clear Channel hired me as a PEA (Promotions Event Assistant) so I’m getting paid. THANK GOD. Plus it’s just really cool to have my first paid job at a real radio station.
-I’ve gained too much weight, I look like a cow.
-I’m really excited about the morning show in the fall. It’s going to be kick ass.
Crap, well I have to go get ready. Oh…I’ve started seeing a psychologist. lol Um, for my first intake session, she kept me 45 minutes over. Said my story was interesting. lol That made me smile.
Oh, and, I’m in debt. Like, big time. Financial aid check was late coming in…still haven’t gotten it. My checking is definitely at -$243.00 right now. Loving it.
God is love.
Good day!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
The SoapBox
"Voter finds faith in Cox after mix-up"
Just when you thought we were done with gay marriage. It’s back!
The gloves are off and the blood is about to flow. For round one, hailing from Bainbridge, we have Secretary of State Cathy Cox versus the formidable Lt. Gov. Mark Taylor of Albany. They are both vying for the democratic nomination from voters for the July 18 primary to then go on and face Republican Gov. Sonny Perdue in the Governor’s race.
Before Cathy Cox officially announced that she was running for Governor, she already had my vote. I’ve happily driven around Georgia with my ‘Cathy Cox for Governor’ bumper sticker on the back of car showing my support to all.
Unfortunately, my position changed a few weeks ago.
The gay marriage ban that 76 percent of voters in Georgia went to the polls for in the fall of 2004 was struck down last month by a Fulton County Superior Court judge. The amendment that we all voted on dealt with more than one issue. What we saw on the ballot defined marriage between a man and a woman, but we also were voting on civil unions to same-sex couples and recognition of same-sex marriage from other states. When adding an amendment, it can only address one issue.
After the ruling, Gov. Perdue said he would appeal the ruling to the Georgia Supreme Court, if they don’t reverse the judges ruling, the Gov. will call a special session with the Georgia legislature (which will cost us, the taxpayers up to 40,000 dollars a day) to put the amendment back on the ballot in time for the November elections.
This is where my disappointment with Cathy Cox set in. Taylor, like the faux democrat he is known to be, agreed with Perdue that the amendment to restrict rights was needed and the special session was necessary if the ruling wasn’t overturned by the Georgia Supreme Court. Cox was left in a very tight place.
In Georgia, a politician could not win a state wide race while openly supporting gay marriage. I know this. But when Cox’s camp released the following statement surrounding the controversy, I was still shocked “I am disappointed that Georgia's constitutional amendment defining marriage as a sacred union of one man and one woman has been overturned. I strongly support Attorney General Thurbert Baker's decision to appeal this ruling to the state Supreme Court. Should his efforts fail, I agree that the General Assembly should meet in special session to pass a new resolution that could be voted on in November."
What? This was the same woman who has supported gays in the past and openly courted gay voters in metro Atlanta. It was as if all of my energy I had put into supporting her and telling everyone I knew why they should vote for her was wasted. I wanted to take her bumper sticker off my car and delete my name from her e-mail list.
Luckily, Cox has redeemed herself. After appearing on a radio show in Atlanta, Cox clarified her position on the issue. She felt as if she had two options, either let the gay marriage issue drag on for the next two years or deal with it now so we can get back to the real issues.
I agree. Change does not come overnight. I would rather deal with the issue now, move on to more pressing matters, like education or the economy, instead of wasting tax payers time and money debating the merits of two boys or girls kissing. I think the old adage, “We’ve lost this battle, but we will win the war” is very appropriate for this issue. Sometimes we just have to concede on certain issues to ensure progress for everyone.
My support is back with Cathy Cox and I hope you take the time to consider her for the Democratic nomination and then for the next Governor of Georgia.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
I never thought that I would say this, but I'm not voting. I'm taking Cathy Cox's bumper sticker off my car.
You're probably wondering what the heck I'm talking about. I think someone was able to put what I'm thinking into cleaer words than I would be able to right now on their blog. This was taken from written by someone with the username Decatur Guy. Here is his post: (After you read his post, you should go over to his website and read all the comments that were left)
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Cathy Cox Is Dead to Me
Today I am sick and tired of pandering politicians. They say one thing to get your money and your vote and do another. Last night, I received the following press release from Cathy Cox:Secretary of State Cathy Cox released the following statement today:"I am disappointed that Georgia's constitutional amendment defining marriage as a sacred union of one man and one woman has been overturned. I strongly support Attorney General Thurbert Baker's decision to appeal this ruling to the state Supreme Court. Should his efforts fail, I agree that the General Assembly should meet in special session to pass a new resolution that could be voted on in November."The message from the people of Georgia on this issue was loud and clear. An overwhelming majority believes, as I do, that marriage is a sacred union of one man and one woman. Until the people have the opportunity to vote on an amendment in the fall, I am confident that existing state law continues to protect the current definition of marriage."Here is what she said about the Amendment in February 2004:"What's most disturbing about this proposal is that the real agenda is not to clarify the law, instead it's a cynical campaign year attempt to drive a wedge between Georgians and turn one citizen against another," Cox said in a prepared statement. "We ought to be focused in Georgia on creating an environment of equality, fairness and understanding for all our citizens, whatever their orientation.""This initiative is designed to do exactly the opposite."Yesterday, a Cox spokesman said that her "position had not changed." Huh? I'll let you compare the two statements and let you make that decision for yourself.Why did Cathy Cox go so far as to support Governor Perdue's call for a special session? I understand that she cannot come out in favor of gay marriage or even publicly oppose an Amendment supported by 77% of the voters and still be elected to statewide office. But why was it not sufficient just to state that current law still bans gay marriage and that she'll wait to see what the appellate courts decide? Earlier in the day yesterday, that is essentially what she said: "The people of Georgia have always believed, as I do, that marriage is the sacred union of one man and one woman," Cox said. "Despite this new ruling, existing state law, which I strongly support, continues to define marriage as between one man and one woman."Even Mark Taylor holds such as position. According to the Macon Telegraph a "Taylor spokesman said he was hopeful the court would act soon enough and reserved judgement on whether calling lawmakers back to Atlanta was necessary."Maybe Mark Taylor learned his lesson in 2004 that putting a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage on the ballot in November will do more harm to Democrats in the general election, by turning out in droves religious right voters who will vote Republican, than it would to hurt them by opposing it and keeping it off the ballot. Democrats had the chance to stop this whole thing back in 2004, but then Democratic Speaker Terry Coleman push the Amemdent forward, Democrats lost control of the House and the rest is history.What is most disappointing about Cathy Cox, however, is that she has pandered to gay voters all along. Asking for us for our money and our votes. She was even present and warmly welcomed at the HRC dinner in Atlanta last weekend. (CORRECTION: According to the AJC Peach Buzz this morning - link not yet available - Cox was not present at the HRC dinner, she only sent a letter to the group. This despite the fact that the HRC dinner organizers made it seem like she was there to all of us. There has been no comment from anyone at HRC about Cox's press release.) She has been welcomed to the homes of gays and lesbians across Georgia to ask us for our money. At least Mark Taylor or Sonny Perdue have not pretended to be our friends.Now she supports an Amendment that has now been interpreted by the Georgia courts as prohibiting "the state of Georgia from granting same sex unions between Georgia residents any of the advantages given to marriages under state law" or granting same sex couples "any legal status before the law." So basically if it is a "advantage of marriage," gay couples can't have it.Support for such an Amendment, and for Governor Perdue's special session that will solely be focused on taking away the rights of gay people, makes her complicit in such bigotry. I now see very little difference in the 3 major candidates for Governor.So, this is the end of the road for me and Cathy Cox.
# posted by decaturguy @ 9:47 AM
Monday, May 15, 2006
Last week was a major break for me. School was finally over. The “Graduation Station Coverage” was over for the commencement ceremonies of the class of 2006—Governor Perdue was the keynote speaker. Early in the morning Mr. Scott called up to the radio station. It was nice to know he was listening, I wish I had had the chance to talk with him. But I digress. Like every year, the end of the school year was busy, like super human I’m Superman on speed busy. And then. It Stops. Last Sunday, everything was done. Grades were turned in; people had packed their bags, and gotten out of town. So of course, like any crazy human being, instead of resting and taking this nice week off between spring semester and summer classes to rest and relax, I lock myself into my apartment and marinate over how depressing my life is, even though it’s not THAT pathetic. I figure this is the perfect time to bring back the lists!
Things I did that I would only do in situations like these:
-Watched like 282288948 movies, or more like three or four, hell I don’t know! I watched a lot of movies…I actually have new movie favorites now.
-New favorite movies: The Family Stone (LOVED that movie. Actually I wanted to write a nice blog post after I watched it, but it’s another movie I watched at six in the morning and was way to tired to type anything about it) and Shopgirl. Shopgirl is the Steve Martin movie. Actually really good. I don’t think they marketed it right for some reason. I thought it was going to be another hooky date movie—possibly a creepy date movie with Claire Danes and Steve Martin as lovers—but it actually turned out to be a very lovely movie.
-Um, made some bad judgment decisions in the boy department.
à SOO…this guy Scott, who I totally liked a while back and thought something could happen has blown and brushed me off two times. I went back each time like a lap dog. The last time, I sent a very passive aggressive e-mail and thought everything was done. OH NO! You would have thought I had a bottle of merlot with me or something! I dug up Scott’s phone number and sent him a text message that said, ‘Hey, how are you?” He sent one back with a smiley face. (OKKAAYYYY) So I send one back saying, “So what have you been up to?” He sends a text back asking, “Who is this?” I respond, “This is Miguel, do you remember me?” He shatters my fractured self-esteem by answering, “No.” Low point number 50 last week.
-So, I’ll admit it. I’m back on some of the gay personals site. Who cares, whatever. So I’m on one of the sites and I see someone interesting. I message them by saying “Hi.” They respond with a resounding, “Bye.” Ouch. Like, I’m just going to walk on over to the courthouse and jump off. All I could do was laugh. I picked up my wounded ego and said back, “Ouch, thanks, good one!” And then I promptly signed off. Love life.
So, I think I’ll walk away from this week with a better of understanding of what I should NOT do when time off from school comes around. I need to find better things to do with my time.
My internship starts next week: YAY! Gas money is way too expensive so I won’t be eating all summer: BOO! But I will lose weight: YAY!
Good day!
Sunday, April 30, 2006
I just finished watching the movie ‘Soldier’s Girl.’ The movie is about a transgender man and the love affair that happens with a solider in the army. I would suggest everyone see it.
There are some people who I have spoken with who believe that transgender people are ‘disgusting.’ I have always found that remark to be outrageous. Especially if it’s coming from someone who is “different” than the norm. It just breaks my heart to hear people say such ugly things about other people. Essentially, everyone has differences – different personalities, lives, stories, backgrounds, preferences. What I just can’t comprehend is when people put down someone else’s life.
If you haven’t seen the movie, I’m going to talk about the ending now, you have been warned:
At the core of the movie is a love story. A confused, yet determined solider falls for a transgender man. They grow to love each other and make a happy life. It’s all ended when a stupid, insolent, prick, murders the solider. Basically, the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy in our country is problematic. It’s 6:15 in the morning and I’m too tired to really make a deep statement. I just wanted to write and say that this movie was wonderful. I’m going to make people see this. Our country has got to change. We are killing ourselves over differences that we cannot help. If we could turn all of that negative energy into positive, we could make some great changes in the world. I just wish that people would appreciate the differences of others and let them live…
In memory:
Private First Class
Barry Winchell
1977 - 1999

Friday, April 28, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
I think I have a tapeworm. I can’t stop eating. Had McDonalds for lunch with Jason today. You would have thought that I had never eaten in my life; I inhaled the double quarter pounder like it was my last meal. So weird.
I’m surprisingly not stressing too much over graduation coverage and finals. I thought I would be freaking out by now, but I’m pretty chill about everything. I’m hungry right now.
Several things going on in my mind, but nothing worth writing about.
This was pointless really.
Good day!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Last night I had a friend bring another friend to the radio station last night to show him around. This is nothing unusual. People bring their friends up to the radio station all the time to show them around. Nothing impressive to see, trust me. But the guy’s friend was obviously gay, but he had on makeup and what were probably women’s clothes. His appearance was nothing you wouldn’t see in a big city or wasn’t over-the-top drag queen type. He just had on beige pants and a pink shirt. Nothing too strange. But I, Mr. Self-Righteous, made fun of him. I made really inappropriate comments with some of the other staff members about his ‘girly’ appearance and clothes. Later that night, I ended up going to dinner with him and my friend after the show. I found out that the kid is from Germany, just moved here a few years ago and now lives in a small South Georgia town. Guess what? At his high school, he gets called a ‘faggot’ on a daily biases, people yell at him and say mean, disgusting things to him every day he walks down the hall. I became one of those people. I made fun of him for his appearance before I even knew his name. While I grilled him, Oprah style, on the stuff that he goes through at his high school, I almost started to cry. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of bigotry. I am ashamed at myself for laughing at him and letting my co-workers do the same. My heart truly hearts for the daily injustice that kids like him have to go through at school each and every day.
This morning I went to sign the lease at the new apartments Kori and I will be living at next year. They had to run a credit check on my Grandmother to make sure I pay bills to live there, yada, yada. The usual stuff that goes on when you move into an apartment. I forgot to fill in on one of the forms the part where it says how much my Grandmother makes a year. When I got the information later today on the amount of money she makes, I was shocked. I made more than her last year. My mother basically made nothing last year also. I’ve always understood that I was poor, but never have I realized how little my family survives off of. I just hope and pray that I am able to pull myself up from where I came from and make enough money to live a comfortable lifestyle. I thank God everyday that he has provided me with all that I have now. It’s a wonder that I’ve been able to make it through college without having to little to nothing for anything. If it weren’t for my scholarships, I would NOT be in college. There would be no way to pay for it. The generosity of others through my life has been astounding. I wish I could hold a big party to thank each and every person that has helped me along the way. The other day I was thinking about high school and prom. My senior year for prom, without me asking or anything, several teachers got together and gave me money to pay for my tux, limo, and dinner for me and my date, who was a guy! I mean, really, they went ABOVE AND BEYOND the call of duty. I thank them so much from the bottom of my grease filled heart!
Off to take a quick nap.
Good day!
Monday, April 17, 2006
So life has its ups and downs, yes? But what truly amazes me are the connections you make with people. The small parts of life are what spirals me into a certain stream of thought. What the hell am I saying, everything gets me thinking!
Looking through the college social site facebook, I was browsing through pictures of friends of mine. Some of these friends go back to middle school in Georgia; some even go back to my early days of elementary school in Colorado. Surprisingly, I am friends on the facebook with the very people who made my life a living hell when I started college at SGC.
These guys who taunted me, called me names, wrote things on my door, and destroyed some of my property are now my friends on facebook. I look through their pictures hoping for some kind of indication that they are different people than what I remember. We all had just started college and were scared—well I know I was. I was looking to fit in and they were looking to fit in with each other. I mean really, putting the gay black kid as the RA on a floor with baseball players from South Georgia was a crazy decision! But you know what, I am glad it happened. It taught me how to deal with people and effectively deal with problems. Instead of abusing my power and writing the guys up as an RA or coming up with some half baked scheme to get revenge, I spoke out against homophobia in the newspaper, I started a Gay-Straight Alliance at the school. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that in life, we should never fight fire with fire. Simple, over used term, but very true. If I had done something to seek revenge or cause harm against those guys, what would they have done? Fight back with me and enter into a vicious cycle of hatred. Instead, there is a thriving Gay-Straight Alliance at SGC and for the second year in a row; a relatively open homosexual has won the popularity reward at the school. I think that's such a powerful thought. Using positive to fight the negative. It's a lesson I've heard for years from my Grandmother and other's, but I never really sat down and thought about it. A good friend of mine used a quote on his blog that has stuck with me for a while now. I believe it to be very true:
"Don't ever listen to those who tell you it can't be done. Pity them for their lack of vision; be more successful than anyone thought you could be. Then, look back on those who said it was impossible and remember: always be Recklessly Optimistic."
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
SO, the mail people have serious pulled a fast one on me. My mother put my rent check in the mail a week before last. Still not here. Rent was due Saturday, as of Wednesday it will be late and there will be a $75 late fee. The loan to pay for summer school has messed up and it’s making me nervous. Credit card bills, water bills, electricity, insurance, cell phone bills…it all piles up. Who ever said money doesn’t buy happy happiness obviously wasn’t a college student with debt. But, such as life. Take the bad stuff and make it good. That’s the only way to deal with life without going insane.
I don’t think many times in my life I have been lied to or have had someone I thought was close lie to other people about me. There could possibly be something in my life that could be very bad and spoil a lot. I pray that these tales are not true and that everything was a misunderstanding. I’m too old for this. I continue to have senior moments through out the day.
Kori and I started a challenge to lose weight. The loser has to buy the other tickets to see Wicked.
Went to Douglas this past weekend to get some papers in order for the move. Kori and I are moving in August to a much better place.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
I feel like I have been blessed with so much in my life. I am a gay, black male, on the radio in South Georgia. I’m alive, I have clothes, a car, my family is alive, I have good friends, and I have a bright future…what more could someone ask for? Even though I have all of this, I still have this nagging feeling that I’m missing out on something. Someone once told me, well, I’m paraphrasing what they said, but basically that I am never really happy with anything because I’m always comparing what I have or what I’m doing to someone else who is better. I agree. I do that. But I have always done that to asses what I am doing and to see where I want to be. Didn’t our parents always tell us that we should surround ourselves around smarter people so we would ourselves reach up to their level? That’s what I’ve always done, but I think I gone too far. I thought I had gotten rid of the green envy syndrome, but I haven’t. It still pops up, mostly on weekends when I’m left with just me and my mind. Something that I have written about over, and over, and over still continues to pop up in my life, well, not pop up. But with other people, they have so much success. Even if it’s not successful, they at least have a little of it to enjoy.
Back to all that at some point.
It’s been a while since I updated. Spring Break happened last week. Went to the Bahamas with Mark. I had a wonderful time. Went to a nice beach for the first time in my life. I think this was the first real vacation of my life. Now I see what all the rage is about. We didn’t have a schedule, we didn’t have set time frames of where we wanted to be, we did whatever we wanted. I sat on the beach one day for hours, just reading a book and people watching. I LOVED it. I will definitely have to keep this up. Traveling is definitely worth my time.
Other than that, nothing of much interest has happened. Or at least I can’t remember. This is never good when it takes me this long to update. I’m tired.
Good day.